Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Advantage of China Economic Essay Example
Advantage of China Economic Essay Example Advantage of China Economic Essay Advantage of China Economic Essay 1st advantage China has a more developed than in many developing countries and the balance of trade, Chinas much faster rate than India has been since the 1950s, manufacturing growth. In 1980, when China and India in the gross domestic product (GDP) per capita more or less equal, China has enjoyed a strong advantage in manufacturing. 2nd advantage Chinas strong and effective state machinery has been modernized and effective tool for mobilizing resources. Despite the belief of the free market as the only reliable tool for the development of the advantages, the fact is, South Korea and Taiwan has been the modernization of state-led. China increased by only one example, despite the fact that, since the 1980s, a smaller share of economic activity in the account, rather than in the 1949-1979 state. China is able to pour huge amounts of state money, the development of new industries and new export processing zone (EPZ), great infrastructure, and a few developing countries compete. This also applies to the exercise of social control by the Chinese state level. 3rd advantage Large-scale China 1. 3 billion people, a big country has greatly magnified the effective state-led economic growth and superior manufacturing advantages. It produces the benefits of economies of scale. Her huge export processing zones set up out of nothing, and now China houses the worlds export processing zones, two-thirds of the workers. This advantage to help China build its own specialized three basic manufacturing clusters, each. The first is the Pearl River Delta (including Hong Kongs main export channel), specializing in labor-intensive manufacturing, production of spare parts and their General Assembly. Second, the Yangtze River delta, specializing in capital-intensive industries: automotive, semiconductors, mobile phones and laptops, computers, and others. th advantage Legacy of land reform. Is generally considered Chinas land reform more successful than India. India, China has been in the competition as early as 1980, even in all the early indicators of human development: literacy rate, daily calorie intake, mortality, infant mortality, life expectancy and so on. 5th advantage Deep-rooted nationalism. More than 90%, while th e dominant Indian nation, the state dominated by the Han ethnic group accounts for only one-fifth of the country. This could make China more than Indias nationalist consistency: in fact, this factor helps to Peoples Republic of China (China) rise, and to promote her once, did not dare defy the United States and the Soviet Union at the same time. Chinas anti-colonial and contemporary history, made her sensitive to both foreign domination and confidence, without fear, if necessary. 6th advantage China is fully atomized in the face of an absolute state of labor. 1949 revolution, is a real farmers to mobilize the masses for Chinas modernization and democratization. Although the task of modernization has achieved some notable, the latter democracy failed. On the contrary, we have a bureaucratic state control of all popular, and any award. Disadvantages of Economic in ChinaIt said the rise of the worlds fourth-largest economy was mainly fuelled by investments and exports. The figure was above the 10. 5% that officials had predicted. The government is worried that such high levels of growth may be unsustainable, and has taken a series of measures to try to slow it down. The Chinese economy has now enjoyed four consecutive years of at least 10% growth, the NBS said. The expansion in 2006 topped the 10. 4% rate a year earlier, and is the highest since 1995, when the economy grew by 10. 9%. In 2006, the national economy maintained steady and fast growth, NBS commissioner Xie Fuzhan told reporters in Beijing. Chinas economy continues to be powered by a huge appetite for investment, and a boom in exports that generated a trade surplus of $177. 47bn last year. But the government is concerned that some parts of the economy are becoming overheated. Beijing has taken a number of steps in order to cool things down. These policies and measures proved to be effective and helped economic development avoid moving from speedy growth to overheating. Pollutions problem A lot of money, so that exports from China has ended up in Shanghai, Chinas stock exchange. Yuan moneys huge trade surplus in 2006 It has gone from the worlds one of the worst performing one of the best, says the BBCs Quentin Somerville Shanghai. But some experts are concerned that the exchange of the stock market bubble of the housing bubble, our correspondent says. He increase China success thanks to low wages, good infrastructure and a huge almost pollution. Factories and economic costs of pollution in the environment and the health of the Chinese people should not get the records, our correspondent says. China growth figures itself health advice, he adds. Halfway discovered last year by the government, the economy $ 100 billion more than previously estimated. Advantages of economic in USA First, its land large. Other things equal, a country is the largest (ie the U. S. relative to the size of the average size of the countrys advantage. In 101 countries, per capita income as a sample of 54% . 1 estimate of the difference shows the advantage of greater advantage, if no internal trade barriers. Since its inception, the United States has been fortunate in the internal free trade, interstate commerce clause because the U. S. Constitution, which states that only the federal government can regulate trade between the 50 states. In addition, labor and capital to move between a countrys regions. The main advantage is to be accepted by the worlds currency, the dollar and a lot of GDP (gross domestic product of the total production in a country the value of all goods and services), and has a strong military and a stable government. These are the foreign investment, private and government investment in the U. S. market attractiveness, and the Department of Treasury securities. Increase foreign investment in available cash economy to create jobs and wealth. It also allows the U. S. government in low-interest loans. These are vital to the economy, because it is consumption. Disadvantages of Economic in USA The disadvantage is all dependent on it is dependent on all the markets, commodities, housing, production, retail sales, consumer technology are the foundation. With this economy, it is necessary to maintain public expenditure, to buy, creating demand for goods and services increasing. It is also dependent on the public is willing to accept debt as a way of life. This makes foreign and domestic investment and credit life support mechanisms. When the bubble is in any market, or credit is limited, it creates a deflation, sending all the other market crash, once started, it is very difficult if not impossible to stop and open the f around. When down or stall the economy, domestic GDP booths, confidence and stability, not to stimulate it. At this point, the government can only life support because they are in the 1930s, most recently in the collapse of the economy. Federal Reserve (Fed) must be printed with the flood of debt the money supply. As the economy recovers, the Fed must be precise timing of economic liquidity (printed money). Too much too fast will lead to economic stall and return to recession. If there is not enough to take out, or not soon, inflation will soon be established, the risk of hyperinflation.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Motherboards essays
Motherboards essays Motherboards are the main part of a computer system. Also called a main board a motherboard is responsible for connecting all the components of a computer system and allowing them to communicate between each other. In 1924 the Tabulating Machine Company was renamed to IBM. Hewlett Packard was founded in 1939. The first transistor was invented in 1947. In 1967 IBM created the first floppy disk. In 1968 Intel Corp was founded. In 1970 the first microprocessor was born as well as the first Random-access memory module otherwise known as RAM. In 1972 Compact discs were invented. In 1975 the first personal computer hit the market with one kilobyte of memory. Its cost was around $397. In 1981 the Commodore is released which later becomes the worlds most popular computer. In 1985 Microsoft and IBM begin working together on their new operating system called windows. These are the main points on the history of motherboards. This history was found at On the Website it describes motherboards like a small scale of a city. The main chips take power from one source and the information travels on a multiple lane highway to get to all of the components of a computer system. Over the years motherboard sizes havent really changed but the functionality of the main board has substantially increased. A motherboard is a multi-layered printed circuit board. Copper circuit paths called traces carry signals and voltages across the motherboard. Different layers carry different data to and from the bios, processor, and memory buses. One of the most essential parts of a motherboard are the fans. Fans are used to cool the different components of the motherboard as well as the computer down to a temperature that will push out peak performance out of the computer. When electricity is running through a computer system it generates increasing heat. This along with density an...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
European Union business law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
European Union business law - Essay Example This forms the centrality of the European Union’s rules on the free movement of persons. However, looking at the nature of the creation of the European Union, the laws on the free movement of persons were thought of to be applicable to only persons who moved to other member states to do economic activities like working3. However, in the landmark case of Van Duyn V Home Office4 it was identified that Article 45 of the TFEU had a vertical direct effect and hence, it could be enforced by any citizen of the European Union. It also applies to all legal relationships by members of the European Union5. In the application of sub-section 2 of TFEU Article 45, a â€Å"worker†is a person who performs services of an economic value for and under the direction of another in return for remuneration6. Thus, there is a protection under this provision implies that a worker is protected from all kinds of discrimination that might exist in relation to his stay and continuous provision of services that he provides in another Member State. Unemployed citizens of a Member State can enter another Member State in search of a job under Article 45(3). And to this end, a person could be in another Member State for a reasonable period of time in The State V Royer7 was defined to be a period of up to six months. Family members of a worker in another Member State are also empowered by Article 2(2)(c) of Directive 2004/38 to live with their dependent children under the age of 21 and their dependent spouses who are not working. Article 10 of Regulation 492/2001 provides equal rights to these dependents connected to a person. Article 2 of Regulation 1612/68 which was replaced by Directive 2004/38 guarantees the rights of spouses, registered partners, descendants and ascendants of EU nationals working in another Member State that is not their primary home8. However, they must show that these individuals or persons are their dependents9. From the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Should Pregnant Teenagers Be Allowed In School Essay
Should Pregnant Teenagers Be Allowed In School - Essay Example Not only, is she discriminated in her social groups but also by the people who are the backbones of the education system. Many principles of schools ask parents of pregnant teenagers to take away their daughters from their schools in fear of the bad reputation of their institution. A book that has been written by experts and which is an extension of the thoughts promoted by The National Childbirth Trust has stated that " giving birth is often called 'the everyday miracle', and nothing can be more true." (p.10) To this observation I want to add that it's also true that this miracle of nature sometimes becomes very unwanted, embarrassing and burdensome to the society on the whole and also the parents if they themselves are nothing but children. What follows is the continuous phase of guilt and depression. The situation may become even worse if in such trying times pregnant teenagers are barred the right to education which is a great source of hope for them to make their lives better. T hrough education they get the power to console themselves that future holds better jobs, better money and better living conditions for them and their unborn babies. Heyman andEducation is essential Heyman and Henriksen in their book have integrated the observational, surveys and qualitative interviews upon pregnant women, doctors, and midwives of a hospital to observe the relationship between risk, age and pregnancy. They stated: Survey data can document the complexities of judgments about the timing of parenthood, although it cannot bring out the reasoning behind such judgments with any depth. Our respondents were asked whether they felt that men and women could be too old or too young to have a baby, and, if so, to specify these age boundariesour respondents, collectively, define the lower parental age boundary more sharply than the upper one(2001, p.64) Through this detailed study it is easier to believe that the majority of people are against pregnancy at tender age. This can be related to the main topic, as when the majority does not approve of teenage pregnancy a simple right of education has become a matter of discussion: whether these people should be allowed to mingle with normal teenagers who might never have to face this situation before time. Many parents feel that if schools allow these teenagers to take classes then it would be giving wrong signals to their other wards. Strongly opposing this viewpoint, Hayes in Gottlieb has stated that "I don't think [a pregnant teen] is any more a bad role model than the teen who's sexually active and just not getting pregnant. Getting pregnant doesn't make [someone] any different from you. I think that's a more practical lesson. Students will look at her and say, 'Whoa, she was doing just what we're doing.'" (Screwed twice section, para. 6) Heyman and Henriksen in their study pointed out that some respondents in their study felt that on the account of their pregnancies the teenagers should not stop their education. Their concern is easily highlighted in one of the
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Culture and Healthcare in America Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Culture and Healthcare in America - Essay Example According to Loraine Magda (2007) "From academia to the applied sciences, medicine, law and politics, Western society operates from a paradigm firmly based on materialism with grave skepticism, and unless proven true by science, becomes relegated to the wasteland of wishful thinking." Most scientists believe that science starts with basic questions and as they try to answer, and develops the answers, it leads to further questions. When students are taught on this basic belief they ignore the interplay of science with society, and such training tends to obscure connection between science and society. Thomas Kuhn says "to acquire the status of a paradigm, a scientific achievement must offer sufficiently convincing resolutions of previously recognized problemsmust also have enough unresolved problems to provide the puzzles for subsequent research practice within the research tradition it comes to define" (Marshall1998).
Friday, November 15, 2019
Permanent Bonded Retainers After Braces Philosophy Essay
Permanent Bonded Retainers After Braces Philosophy Essay The next phase after braces: The moment you get your braces off then you move on to the next phase and that is of retainers. The role of the retainers is to help the teeth hold on to their new position and not move to their original position. This will help in correcting the overbite permanently. Removable retainers: Most orthodontist tend to give their patients removable retainers that they can have on all through the day. This is an essential part of the braces treatment. As soon as your braces come off what should go on are the retainers. The first three to six months is the most important time and this is the time wherein your teeth have a likelihood of moving back to their original position. This is the time that you should have your retainers on permanently day and night. The next phase: Once your orthodontist has examined the progress of the treatment, after the first six months of having the retainer on permanently they might recommend that you wear them only at night. This will go on for a long time and then finally, the orthodontist might advice you to wear the retainers only a few nights in a week. This takes several years and therefore you can look at the retainers as a permanent addition in your life. Keep your teeth in line: The thing about retainers is that they help the treatment and its efficacy to hold true. Once you have got your braces off and your teeth in line that is not the end of the treatment. What you need to do now is to go ahead and wear your retainers diligently as recommended by the dentist to ensure that your teeth do remain in line. What sense would it make to have spent so much of time and effort on your teeth and then let them slide back to their original position once again? What you will be left with is the overbite once again. Removable and permanent retainers: There are several different options in retainers that you could opt for. This allows you to be able to have retainers that are removable. You can also go for the invisalign retainers that help your teeth stay in line whilst you sleep. There are permanent retainers too but they are used on the bottom teeth. These are fixed on to your teeth and help in holding them together. This is an option used by the dentist in case of severe crowding of the teeth or most of the teeth being crooked. The orthodontist will use the retainers as they do not want to take the chances of a relapse in the teeth position occurring. Permanent versus removable: Most clients prefer to have removable retainers on. This not only gives them the flexibility of removing them for special occasions but allows them to brush and floss their teeth perfectly. It also allows them to keep a good hygiene routine. 5 Braces are Coming Off, but Teeth are Still Crooked? The concern that many patients have about the braces treatment is whether their teeth will be in line in a single row. The treatment usually takes them a year or two to go ahead and set the teeth right. There are several different orthodontist problems that people could have and depending on the kind of problem that you have, your braces will take that long to get your teeth in a straight line. However, if it is close to the time that your braces are going to be taken off and you still dont see your teeth in a straight row then you have a right to be concerned. At the next meeting with your orthodontist, go ahead and raise this question. The orthodontist will be able to answer your concerns correctly. An orthodontist is a specialist and he knows exactly how long the teeth will take to get into line. They have years of experience and expertise. They might also suggest a longer period of time for you to continue to keep the braces on. Dont be over critical of your teeth. There might be times that you might have visualized teeth that are all pearly white and in a neat tidy row. But, this might not be realistic taking several personal factors of your teeth in mind. Therefore, when you think of straight teeth go ahead and have a realistic visual in mine. Also, when you see your teeth without braces they might seem a little odd. Most orthodontist at this part of the treatment will go ahead and prescribe a retainer for you to wear. This will ensure that your teeth do not go back to their original places once again. You will be able to ask your orthodontist about a permanent or a removable retainer. These retainers will further help your teeth remain in a straight line and not move to their former position. A word of caution here, do not let go of your retainers or you are in for trouble. Your teeth will then slide back to their original position and all that you will have left behind is a waste of time and effort. The retainers will do a great service by holding the teeth in place. Therefore, the next time that you look in the mirror you will not find your teeth to be crooked. Just a few days without retainers, and you will have crooked teeth once again. Then you will have to start the treatment right from scratch. As soon as your dentist lets you know that your braces are going to be removed and you have a concern about your teeth looking crooked let them know right away. Then, the dentist will have a further closer look and decide whether the braces need to be kept on for a few more days. That should be able to make your teeth more aligned and in a straight line. 6 How Can You Get Braces off Sooner? Some people can be quite worried about the braces that they have on and wonder what could they do to get rid of them really soon. The quicker they are done with the treatment and the braces the better they will feel. They will be able to bare their teeth and smile without feeling the embarrassment of making the braces visible. Here are a few things that you can do to help your braces come off sooner. Hygiene: ensure that you maintain top notch oral hygiene at all times. Keep your teeth and mouth squeaky clean. You will be quite surprised to hear but the better hygiene that you follow more are the chances of your teeth sliding into the right position quickly. Do not eat hard food: the more hard food that you eat the more pressure you are going to put on your braces. This will make them work overtime. Whenever you have to eat hard food such as bread crusts, fruits and vegetables. It is a good idea, to chunk them into bite sized pieces and then eat them. Do not put anything in your mouth and chew on it. when you put things in your mouth such as pencils or pens you go on to damage your braces. This will make you have to go back to the orthodontist and the overall treatment time will be lengthened. Biting your nails: if you are in the habit of biting your nails or touching your teeth and elastic often then you will find that your braces shift position. This will be detrimental to the treatment and will take you a longer time to complete it. Also, these nervous habits are a good thing if you get rid of them. Foods to avoid: when you have your braces on avoid food that is sticky and sugary. It is going to stick on to your teeth and damage the braces. It might even cause severe tooth decay. Follow the orthodontists recommendations down to the last letter. When you have the braces on ensure that you do exactly as the orthodontist tells you to. Wear your braces and headgear diligently and for the right number of hours per day. Follow the cleaning instructions that the dentist gives you. This will help in being able to propel the treatment right ahead and get your braces off faster. Make certain that you keep the rubber bands at the right recommended tension. If you do all the right things then your braces are going to be off even before you know it. The good thing then is that you will have the kind of teeth that you have always wanted to and you will never hesitate to smile. Once your braces are off it will certainly be worth the wait. 7 What Color Braces will Make My Teeth Look White There are so many questions that a person has when they sign up for a braces treatment. One of the questions that are asked most often is how to make teeth look pearly white. If you are a teenager then it can be a good idea to get colored braces. They not only make the treatment more exciting for you but also go about and make your teeth appear whiter. There is an entire range of colors to choose from. Keep in mind that the color you choose suits your personality and your teeth as you will have to wear these braces for the next two years or so. If you arent sure which braces color will make your teeth look white then ask the dentist for a color wheel. This will give you a fair enough idea of the possible colors that you could choose from. Keep the color of your teeth in mind. Different people have different color of teeth. If your teeth are on the yellowish tinge then there might not be all colors that might look good on them. For yellowish colored teeth the best color for braces is silver or invisible. The darker colors on the braces make the paler teeth look whiter. This is one easy rule to remember when choosing your colored braces. The most often color that gets selected for colored braces are black. Try out the black braces first before you order them. Although no doubt that black braces will make your teeth look whiter than what they are because of the contrast they create, they will also go on to ensure that the braces look larger in your mouth than they actually are. Try out other colors that are equally as good as black such as dark blue and maroon. The contrast that they create, of the dark shade versus the light teeth make your teeth look pearly white. The color that you should certainly avoid on your braces is yellow. The yellow of the braces will go on to cast a yellow kind of shadow on your teeth. This will make teeth look yellowish rather than making them look whiter. When you choose clear braces be careful as they can get stained easily and reflect that color on to your teeth. Another good color that you could opt for your braces is red. Red makes the teeth appear far brighter. However, red might not suit all faces. On the other hand the color light blue not only suits all faces but is a good bet to make your teeth look whiter. Once you have decided the color for your braces the next step is to keep the color of your braces just the way as you first put them on. Some food such as tea or coffee can actually go on to discolor your braces. This in turn will make your teeth appear discolored and yellowish. Also, too much of acidic food will make the color in your braces to fade. 8 Hidden Braces is possible When you go to an orthodontist now you will be offered several options in the choice of braces and hidden braces are one amongst them. A few years ago this would have actually been unheard of. At that point of time, about five years from now, the most popular braces were ceramic ones. They were a far better option than the metallic ones but still they were visible and not hidden. Most people shy away from having braces on because of the way they will make them look. That is the number one fear of people when the orthodontist asks them to wear braces. But, now the braces are almost invisible. You need not worry about the ugly looking olden kind of braces in your mouth. The use of invisalign braces is the latest in braces technology. It ensures that you are able to use braces without the use of the ugly metal brackets. These invisalign cost a wee bit more than the other traditional braces but it is money worth spending. Without the metal brackets it will be hard to notice whether you have actually worn braces. The thing with invisalign is that they might not be suited for all patients and all kinds of teeth. If that is the case with your teeth then you can go on to consider the use of iBraces. These braces put brackets behind your teeth. This means that they are not visible from the outside. IBraces have become extremely popular and several athletes and celebrities have worn them to get their teeth in line. They are the perfect kind of hidden braces to get your teeth not only in line but also be able to smile without the ugly braces or metal brackets showing. They are perfect for people who are overly concerned about their looks. Also they are suitable for most people unlike the invisalign. As the demand for these kinds of braces increase more and more of them are being introduced in the market. There are newer versions of brackets being introduced in the market rather than the traditional metal or ceramic ones. These brackets are absolutely light and transparent which makes wearing of braces seem really nondescript. There are several different options in front of a patient in these days. If you are interested in hidden braces then go on and ask your doctor and they will recommend the right ones for you. This will allow you to hide your braces from the world. Also, based on the kind of budget that you have you will be able to choose the best option for yourself. However, people who have a grave case of overbite or under bite will have to stick to the traditional metal braces as they will be able to ensure that the teeth are in a straight line at the end of the treatment. The best thing about the latest technology being used in orthodontist is the use of clear braces. Based on this more and more companies are beginning to produce them. 9 Pregnancy and Braces pregnancy is one of the most wonderful phases in a womans life. At the same time when you look good you feel good too. It is important for the pregnant woman to not only look and feel good inside out as this will have a whole lot of impact on her well-being as well as that of her unborn child. When you have teeth that are in a straight line, there is no end to your smile. Therefore, if you have decided to have braces and discover that you are expecting a child, there is no reason to stop with your braces. Both of these can work as the most wonderful of life changing experiences for you. The right kind of smile can do a whole lot of wonderful things for your self-image and confidence. Why would you want to stop yourself from getting a wonderful smile and enhance the way you look? Once you have the braces on you need not have any medication or be on any special kind of diet. Therefore, this is going to work out perfectly for you. All that you might need to do is initially have soft food just after you have worn your braces. In fact, if you postpone your braces treatment for after the baby is born you might not have that much of time to take yourself to the orthodontist. At the same time there are some factors that need to be taken into consideration. The first trimester might make you feel nauseous all the time. This might get aggravated with the braces treatment that you might undergo. But, by the end of the first trimester the morning sickness is gone and that is when you can pursue the braces treatment. At times the braces treatment involves extraction of a tooth. This is not a dangerous practice as such but the X-ray done before that is to be avoided. Therefore, it is a good idea to let your orthodontist know right from the start if you are pregnant. If you suspect that you might be pregnant and are scheduled for an X-ray then wait out until you have confirmed the news. Now, the good news is that once you start the treatment for the braces during pregnancy, before you know it the baby will be born, you would have got back your svelte figure and a wonderful smile to boot along with it. This is certainly going to be like a new beginning phase for you. You wont be able to stop beaming and one wouldnt be sure if it is motherhood or the new smile that you have got. Look after your teeth well during pregnancy and there shouldnt be any concern at all. Braces during pregnancy are certainly no hassle at all. You might feel a bit sore and pain but that you would have even felt if you werent pregnant. Go on and make the most of the time that you have before the baby is born. 10 Braces On Bottom Jaw Only If you are one of those many people who have crooked teeth only on the lower jaw then you might need braces only for the lower one. However, most orthodontists will advise you to go ahead with the complete treatment which includes the lower and the upper jaw. This will ensure that all the teeth are brought into alignment and there are no gaps left in between. Also, this will correct the concern of over bite or under bite completely once and for all. The good news is that if your upper jaw teeth are all in a row then it wont take you a really long time to complete the treatment. But, it is certainly a good thing to have the braces placed on both the upper as well as the lower jaw. You could use different kinds of braces though on both the jaws. Go ahead and use metallic braces on the lower jaw as this will help them to straighten out faster and invisible invisalign or ceramic braces. The best thing to do is to consult an orthodontist. You might want to go to another orthodontist for a second opinion. They are the ones with the specialized knowledge and expertise in the domain of teeth straightening. This will ensure that you are certain that you will be able to get the best possible treatment for your teeth. There are several times that a gap in the lower front teeth might warrant braces. This can be set right within no time with the use of the right braces. A lot of people dont have perfect teeth and using braces is one of the best of ways to set it right. You will love the way your lower and upper jaw teeth will look after the treatment. There are several different braces that you could opt for. These braces and the right kind will be recommended by your dentist based on the condition of your teeth and what kind of treatment they warrant. Most people prefer to use lingual braces on the lower jaw and the upper jaw. This is because they are at the back of the teeth and hardly noticeable. These are the perfect kind for adult patients. The right kind of lower jaw braces will allow you to be able to go ahead and correct your overbite or under bite. You will find that your lower jaw teeth are no longer crooked and have fallen into a straight line. This will go on to make a whole lot of difference to your facial features as well as the way you bite and chew your food. Lower jaw crooked teeth can also affect the way you speak. All of this will be a thing of the past and you will be able to bare your teeth and smile all that you want. So, do not hesitate to go on and get braces for your lower jaw.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Knight Eliduc Essay
Eliduc is a courtly knight admired greatly by the king of Brittney. The king trusts Eliduc to guard the lands and also grants him free reign to hunt wherever he pleases. Since Eliduc is favored so greatly, many envious enemies try to slander his name to the king. Without credible accusation, the king banishes Eliduc. With hopes that the king will calm down, Eliduc travel to Logres. Eliduc takes with him ten knights, and due to his wife’s mourning and grief of his departure, Eliduc assures her that he will remain faithful. While traveling through the land of Tontes, Eliduc finds the land to be at war. He finds that an old Lord has refused to give his daughters hand in marriage to any beau’s, therefore; another powerful lord wages war for her. Eliduc uses this situation as a chance to prove himself and become favored by the new lord. He insists that he will fight for the king, and so the king allows granting him fine lodging and hospitality. Eliduc plans on tricking the e nemy into thinking they have won, but in their departure, he attacks the enemy. His plan to defeat the enemy works. The king then makes Eliduc a vassal for a year. Hearing of Eliduc’s act of valor, the kings’s daughter Guilliadun wishes to meet him. Immediately, Guilliadun falls in love with Eliduc, however out of respect for his marriage, he is hesitant and reserved. Guilliadun confesses that she will die if she cannot have Eliduc and tries to win him with gifts. Eliduc receives the gifts in grace, but easily masks his affection for Guilliadun. Eliduc does so out of reverence for his wife Guildeluec. Meanwhile, Eliduc’s old king seeks him out and Eliduc does return back to Brittany; however, he promises he will return back to Tontes if needed. Guilliadun is saddened by the news and claims she will kill herself, but Eliduc reassures her of his return. Once Eliduc returns to Brittany he is angered by the negative news he hears of his wife. After quickly ridding the Brittany of its enemies, Eliduc returns to Tontes in search for Guilliadun. They are lovingly reunited and begin to sail home to Brittany. However, Guilliadun is disheartened by the news that Eliduc is married, she faints, in a coma-like state. After noticing how distraught ELiduc was after his return, Guildeluec is convinced he isn’t saddened because of the hermits death at the abbey. Guildeluec sends spies and discovers Guilliadun. Along with feeling betrayed by Eliduc, she feels pity for Guilliadun. After witnessing a weasel bring his mate back to life with an herb, Guildeluec brings Guilliadun back. Eliiduc is informed of the miracle and happily chooses Guilliadun as his new wife. Eliduc’s first wife and new wife â€Å"came to a good end thanks to God, the true divine†. I chose to analyze the quote â€Å"came to a good end thanks to God, the true divine†. Marie implies in the end of the lay that the only way to find serenity through love in this world is by making oneself docile to the charity of selfless love, epitomized in God. I, however, that this quote in no way reflects God. Yes, it involves love; however God is also about faithfulness, honesty and respect. By being reserved from Guilliadun during her first attempts, Eliduc did show respect to his marriage. However, after hearing stories of Guildeluec while he was gone caused him to want to pursue Guilliadun. Eliduc never once asked Guildeluec. It amazed me that Guldeluec was content with Eliduc’s choice. She never tried to win him back but actually felt pity for Guilliadun and her sorrow. Guildeluec’s actions are a reflection of selfless love, which show reverence to God. Ultimately, I thought it was ironic to give thanks to God, being that the outcome, in my opinion was ungodly. Adultery did not take place, however betrayal and mistrust did.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Pigs, Dogs, Cats, Horses, and Rats Help Win the Civil War Essay
The Civil War intensified pork production as firms strove to meet the needs of the war effort. Beef packing also increased dramatically during the war, but dwindled after it ended, as cities like Kansas City that were closer to the centers of cattle farmers began to dominate production. As plants grew, the operations became more mechanized & specialized. The introduction of the refrigerated rail car in 1869 dramatically bolstered the industry, allowing it to become a year-round industry and to expand internationally (Dictionary of Wisconsin History, 2013). The North had a greater advantage than the South in that their commissary system was already established at the outbreak of the war, while the Confederacy struggled for many years to obtain food and then get it to its armies. By the end of the war, many soldiers in the Confederate army were on the verge of starvation. During the Civil War There were plenty of other Civil War food options on a soldier’s menu (The American Civil War, 2013). The salt pork that was given to the soldiers during the war was a stinky kind of blue extra-salty meat, with hair, skin, dirt, and other debris on it. It was, however, their main supply of protein. Salt beef was basically all of the very worst parts of a cow, including organs, necks, and shanks. But the basic meat was pork. When in enemy territory, the soldiers frequently helped themselves to chickens, fruits, vegetables, and other items from local farms and households. However, â€Å"During the final months of the war, more than a few horses, mules, dogs, cats, and even rats were eaten by soldiers,†said a Confederate doctor (Civil War Food, 2013). Rats especially were found to be quite a luxury: †¦superior, in the opinion of those who eat them, to spring chicken†¦and there were few among the garrison whose natural prejudices were so strong as to prevent them from cooking and eating their share. Nor did rats appear on the starvation menus of only besieged Confederates. In the winter of 1862-63 in Virginia, [Union soldier Berry] Benson and others on picket found many rats, and they teased each other about trying them. Soon someone killed a few and roasted them. They found that they tasted rather like a squirrel. If that time were back, I don’t think I would not be squeamish,’ Benson said later. ’ (Davis, 2003, p. 24) After the Civil War The market for Texas cattle diminished after the Civil War & ranchers were left holding several million heads of cattle. Ranchers began to drive their cattle north again in 1866, but with little financial gain. Fortunately for the cattlemen, the close of the Civ il War also marked a major transition in U. S. meat-consumption patterns. A national preference for pork abruptly gave way to beef. Cattle worth $4 a head in Texas might be sold at $40 a head in Missouri or Kansas. In addition, a ready workforce was already in place: the de-commissioned horsemen of the Confederate cavalry plus freed ex-slaves and Mexican gauchos combined to provide a ready supply of skilled horsemen. Soon others saw the wild Texas herds as a ready means to tap into the lucrative northern market with little start–up capital. The famous Chisholm Trail became a major route. The trail was established in 1865 by Jesse Chisholm and ran 600 miles from San Antonio, Texas, to Abilene, Kansas. Typically rivers and Indian lands had to be crossed, but good grazing, relatively level terrain, and higher prices waiting at the destination made the hazards worthwhile. Drives were cost-effective tooâ€â€a drive of 2,000 or more cattle usually required only a trail boss and a dozen cowhands. In 1867, the Goodnight-Loving Trail opened markets for Texas cattle in Colorado & New Mexico. Cattle ranching had become big business and attracted Eastern investors. In 1869, more than 350,000 head of cattle were driven along the Chisholm Trail. By 1871, more than 700,000 head were driven along the route. The Reconstruction Period The post-war Reconstruction period was difficult and would have been different in at least two ways if President Lincoln had not been assassinated. First, Lincoln would have been more generous in providing government aid to the fallen South. Instead, President Andrew Johnson punished the South. Moreover, if Lincoln had been the post-war president, it is likely that there would have been a lot less racism and he might have even prevented racist and white-supremacists like the KKK and other groups (Nicely, 2011). Second, the death of Abraham Lincoln changed all the plans by which a Southern state could be readmitted into the Union. Lincoln wanted to reunite the Union quickly by showing forgiveness. Most of the moderate Republicans in Congress supported his plan because they thought it would make a more immediate end to the war. Reconstruction would have gone much more smoothly if Lincoln had not been assassinated (Nicely, 2011). Industrialization and urbanization during Reconstruction brought many changes to the social, economical and political lives of the people. Industrialization led to mass production of goods with technological advances which led to cheaper products and better living conditions for the average American. With the improvement of living conditions, came the need of more workers at the factories. This need led to the migration of people to rural areas to the cities. The migration of the people to the cities and the addition of more and more factories lead to harmful contaminants in the environment such as water and air pollution. We also had the distinction of social classes given the wealth differences among the business entrepreneurs and factory workers. There was also a change in the family structure. Men and women who worked in the same factory performing the same task were paid differently. This structure established what we know today as having the man be the â€Å"breadwinner†and the woman encouraged to stay at home with the children. At this point, children were seen as low-cost labor. Race Relations The federal and/or state courts and legislatures handed down decisions or passed laws during the period that served to discriminate against non-white citizens and immigrants in many ways. The Black Codes were enacted in the South to regulate the status and conduct of the newly freed slaves. This deprived black people of many rights given only to whites such as owning property, to testify in court with whites, to make contracts, travel, preach, speak, and many more. Also contrary to expectations of the Bill of Rights, the court also held that because the amendment provided that â€Å"no state shall†deprive persons of the rights its guaranteed, Congressional legislation protecting blacks and Republicans from Ku Klux Klan violence exceeded the power of the federal government. References Civil War Food (2013). Retrieved from http://www. civilwaracademy. com/civil-war-food. html). Davis, W. C. (2003). A Taste for War: The Culinary History of the Blue and the Gray. Stackpole Books. Mechanicsburg, PA. Dictionary of Wisconsin History (2013). Retrieved from http://www. wisconsinhistory. org /dictionary/index. asp? action=view&term_id=10802&term_type_id=3&term_type_text=things&letter=M) Gale Encyclopedia of U. S. Economic History (1999). Retrieved from http://www. ncyclopedia. com/topic/Cattle_drives. aspx Mitchell, P. B. (2013), â€Å"Cooking for the cause. †Retrieved from http://www. civilwar. org/education/pdfs/civil-war-curriculum-food. pdf Nicely, B. J. (2011). What IF #5â€â€How would have Reconstruction been different if Lincoln had not died on April 15, 1865? Retrieved from http://deeprunwildcats. org/nicely/? p=631 The American Civil War (2013). Retrieved from http://www. ducksters. com/history/civil_war/ life_as_asoldier_duri ng_the_civil_war. php
Friday, November 8, 2019
RAND Report Details 9-11 Victims Compensation
RAND Report Details 9-11 Victims Compensation Dateline: January, 2005 A study released by the RAND Corporation shows that victims of the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks - both individuals killed or seriously injured and individuals and businesses impacted by the strikes - have received at least $38.1 billion in compensation, with insurance companies and the federal government providing more than 90 percent of the payments. New York businesses have received 62 percent of the total compensation, reflecting the broad-ranging economic impacts of the attack in and near the World Trade Center. Among individuals killed or seriously injured, emergency responders and their families have received more than civilians and their families who suffered similar economic losses. On average, first responders have received about $1.1 million more per person than civilians with similar economic loss. The 9-11 terrorist attacks resulted in the deaths of 2,551 civilians and serious injury to another 215. The attacks also killed or seriously injured 460 emergency responders. â€Å"The compensation paid to the victims of the attacks on the World Trade Center, the Pentagon and in Pennsylvania was unprecedented both in its scope and in the mix of programs used to make payments,†said Lloyd Dixon, a RAND senior economist and lead author of the report. â€Å"The system has raised many questions about equity and fairness that have no obvious answers. Addressing these issues now will help the nation be better prepared for future terrorism. Dixon and co-author Rachel Kaganoff Stern interviewed and gathered evidence from many sources to estimate the amount of compensation paid out by insurance companies, government agencies and charities following the attacks. Their findings include: Insurance companies expect to make at least $19.6 billion in payments, comprising 51 percent of the money paid in compensation.Government payments total nearly $15.8 billion (42 percent of the total). This includes payments from local, state and federal governments, plus payments from the September 11 Victim Compensation Fund of 2001 that was established by the federal government to compensate those killed or physically injured in the attacks. The total does not include payments to clean up the World Trade Center site or rebuild public infrastructure in New York City.Payments by charitable groups comprise just 7 percent of the total, despite the fact that charities distributed an unprecedented $2.7 billion to victims of the attacks.Because of concerns that liability claims would clog the courts and create further economic harm, the federal government limited the liability of airlines, airports and certain government bodies. The government established the Victim Compensation Fund to m ake payments to families for the deaths and injuries of victims. In addition, the government funded a major economic revitalization program for New York City.RAND researchers found that businesses hurt by the attacks have received most of the compensation that the study was able to quantify. The families of civilians killed and the civilians who were injured received the second-highest payments. The study found that: Businesses in New York City, particularly in lower Manhattan near the World Trade Center, have received $23.3 billion in compensation for property damage, disrupted operations, and economic incentives. About 75 percent of that came from insurance companies. More than $4.9 billion went to revitalize the economy of Lower Manhattan.Civilians killed or seriously injured received a total of $8.7 billion, averaging about $3.1 million per recipient. Most of this came from the Victim Compensation Fund, but payments also came from insurance companies, employers and charities.About $3.5 billion was paid to displaced residents, workers who lost their jobs, or others who suffered emotional trauma or were exposed to environmental hazards.Emergency responders killed or injured received a total of $1.9 billion, with most of that coming from the government. Payments averaged about $1.1 million more per person than for civilians with similar economic losses, with most of the higher amount due to paym ents from charities.​ Certain features of the Victim Compensation Fund tended to increase compensation relative to economic loss. Other features tended to decrease compensation relative to economic loss. Researchers say more detailed individual data are needed to determine the net effect. For example, the Victim Compensation Fund decided to limit the amount of lost future earnings it would consider when calculating awards for survivors. Administrators capped income the fund would consider at $231,000 per year in projecting future lifetime earnings, even though many people killed earned more than that amount. The special master of the Victim Compensation Fund had substantial discretion to set final awards for higher income earners, but data are not available on how he exercised that discretion.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Biography of Elijah McCoy, American Inventor
Biography of Elijah McCoy, American Inventor Elijah McCoy (May 2, 1844–October 10, 1929) was an African-American inventor who received more than 50 patents for his inventions during his lifetime. His most famous invention was a cup that fed lubricating oil to machine bearings through a small tube. Machinists and engineers who wanted genuine McCoy lubricators might have used the expression the real McCoy- a term meaning the real deal or the genuine article. Fast Facts: Elijah McCoy Known For: McCoy was an African-American inventor who improved steam engine technology by designing an automatic lubricator.Born: May 2, 1844 in Colchester, Ontario, CanadaParents: George and Mildred McCoyDied: October 10, 1929 in Detroit, MichiganAwards and Honors: National Inventors Hall of FameSpouse(s): Ann Elizabeth Stewart (m. 1868-1872), Mary Eleanor Delaney (m.1873-1922) Early Life Elijah McCoy was born on May 2, 1844, in Colchester, Ontario, Canada. His parents- George and Mildred McCoy- were former slaves who had fled Kentucky for Canada on the Underground Railroad. George McCoy enlisted in the British forces, and in return, he was awarded 160 acres of land for his service. When Elijah was 3, his family moved back to the U.S. and settled in Detroit, Michigan. They later moved to Ypsilanti, Michigan, where George opened a tobacco business. Elijah had 11 brothers and sisters. Even as a young child, he enjoyed playing with tools and machines and experimenting with different ways to fix and improve them. Career At the age of 15, McCoy left the United States for a mechanical engineering apprenticeship in Edinburgh, Scotland. After becoming certified, he returned to Michigan to pursue a position in his field. However, McCoy- like other African-Americans at the time- faced racial discrimination that prevented him from earning a position appropriate to his level of education. The only job he could find was that of a locomotive fireman and oiler for the Michigan Central Railroad. The fireman on a train was responsible for fueling the steam engine and the ​oiler lubricated the engines moving parts as well as the trains axles and bearings. Because of his training, McCoy was able to identify and solve the problems of engine lubrication and overheating. At that time, trains needed to periodically stop and be lubricated to prevent overheating. McCoy developed a lubricator for steam engines that did not require the train to stop. His automatic lubricator used steam pressure to pump oil wherever it was needed. McCoy received a patent for this invention in 1872, the first of many he would receive for his improvements to steam engine lubricators. These advancements improved transit by allowing trains to travel farther without pausing for maintenance and re-oiling. McCoys device not only improved train systems; versions of the lubricator eventually appeared in oil-drilling and mining equipment and construction and factory tools. According to the patent, it did so by provid[ing] for the continuous flow of oil on the gears and other moving parts of a machine in order to keep it lubricated properly and continuous and thereby do away with the necessity of shutting down the machine periodically. As a result, the lubricator improved efficiency in a variety of fields. In 1868, Elijah McCoy married Ann Elizabeth Stewart, who died four years later. A year later, McCoy married his second wife, Mary Eleanora Delaney. The couple had no children. McCoy continued to improve upon his automatic lubricator design and make designs for new devices. Railroad and shipping lines began using McCoy’s new lubricators and the Michigan Central Railroad promoted him to an instructor in the use of his new inventions. Later, McCoy became a consultant to the railroad industry on patent matters. McCoy also obtained patents for some of his other inventions, including an ironing board and a lawn sprinkler, which he had designed to reduce the work involved in his household tasks. In 1922, McCoy and his wife Mary were in a car accident. Mary later died from her injuries, and McCoy experienced severe health problems for the rest of his life, complicating his professional obligations. The Real McCoy The expression the real McCoy- meaning the real thing (not a fake or inferior copy)- is a popular idiom among English-speakers. Its exact etymology is unknown. Some scholars believe it comes from the Scottish the real McKay, which first appeared in a poem in 1856. Others believe the expression was first used by railroad engineers looking for the real McCoy system, i.e. a lubricator equipped with Elijah McCoys automatic drip cup rather than a poor knockoff. Whatever the true etymology, the expression has been associated with McCoy for some time. In 2006, Andrew Moodie developed a play based on the inventors life called The Real McCoy. Death In 1920, McCoy opened his own company, the Elijah McCoy Manufacturing Company, to produce his products himself rather than licensing his designs to existing companies (many of the products he designed did not feature his name). Unfortunately, McCoy suffered in his later years, enduring a financial, mental, and physical breakdown that landed him in the hospital. He died on October 10, 1929, from senile dementia caused by hypertension after spending a year in the Eloise Infirmary in Michigan. McCoy was buried in Detroit Memorial Park East in Warren, Michigan. Legacy McCoy was widely admired for his ingenuity and accomplishments, especially in the African-American community. Booker T. Washington- an African-American educator and leader- cited McCoy in his Story of the Negro as the African-American inventor with the greatest number of patents. In 2001, McCoy was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. A historical marker stands outside his old workshop in Ypsilanti, Michigan, and the Elijah J. McCoy Midwest Regional U.S. Patent and Trademark Office in Detroit was named in his honor. Sources Asante, Molefi Kete. 100 Greatest African Americans: a Biographical Encyclopedia. Prometheus Books, 2002.Sluby, Patricia Carter. The Inventive Spirit of African Americans: Patented Ingenuity. Praeger, 2008.Towle, Wendy, and Wil Clay. The Real McCoy: the Life of an African-American Inventor. Scholastic, 1995.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Sensory Disabilities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sensory Disabilities - Essay Example the blind man crossing the road alone is a sign of bravery and his this act is also showing that he is a part of the normal society of Canada, but, still it is quite dangerous and he can be the victim of a terrible accident, unlike the normal people who are able to see the vehicles on the road before crossing it. A solution to this problem can be the awareness among people that they should take care of disabled people and help any blind man crossing the road alone. The drivers should also be careful and not drive too fast. If the car and bike drivers drive fast and an unexpected blind man is seen crossing the road, the vehicle will not be able to bear the prompt break by the driver and can slip and slide over the snowy slippery road and cause a dreadful accident. Hence, such precautionary measures and care should be taken to avoid any harm to the disabled people, and encourage them to be a part of the normal Canadian
Friday, November 1, 2019
Letter to Law Client Personal Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Letter to Law Client - Personal Statement Example Incorporating does have other benefits as well, including many tax benefits. For instance, some sole proprietors are required to pay the federal tax rate and a self-employment tax, meaning you are being taxed twice; corporations are never allowed to do this. In response to your questions regarding Bubba, there are a few causes for concern here, but a few issues that may still keep you in the clear. First, Bubba is not a regular employee; as you stated, he came down to help out with some extra work. Second, you did not tell Bubba to do this; you gave him different directions. If Bubba is willing to admit to this, then you may safe and the responsibility may fall on him. However, the medical bills are truly an issue-if one person injures another person it is generally required that the person that caused the injury pay for the medical bills of the other. Next, these individuals were clearly blocking the entrance to your place of business, which is very close to trespassing. It sounds like they were still on public property, however, and the actions of Bubba are still an issue-had he asked them and they refused, calling the police would have been a better alternative. Still, the situation does not mean you necessarily have to go bankrupt or lose everything, or even lose the business itself. If these individuals have health insurance, they may only be asking for their deductibles to be paid. Therefore, this may amount to only a few thousand dollars. Also, it depends on the extent of their injuries. If any type of surgery is involved, this will certainly be expensive. However, if it is just a few bruises and broken bones we are concerned about, the issue should not cost as much. If Bubba is not willing to take the blame on his own, because he was there on your accord, the liability very well could fall onto the restaurant, and again, some kind of payment will probably be expected. There are a few things that you can do in this issue in order to prepare yourself. First, I would suggest incorporating as quickly as possible to protect all of your personal assets. This way, only the business, and not everything else, is at risk in this case. Second, I suggest talking to Bubba and seeing how far he is willing to go to assist you with the situation. Third, it may be wise to talk to the people or their attorney, and find out what kinds of medical issues and bills are being considered. It may be easier and less costly to simply settle with the people and pay for their deductibles rather than going to court and possibly spending much more money. Also, if this is done, it is very unlikely that these individuals will have any reason to take the business away. Therefore, my suggestion is to reach out to start the incorporation process, and then to reach out to these individuals to see what can be done to resolve this issue. Taking these steps will probably save you from losing your business, or losing anything else at the expense of Bubba. Thank you and please do not hesitate to contact me if you need
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