Monday, September 30, 2019
Final Paper
Cost is flexible in hosing the kind of product to sell in different country, so that those products can meet the right demand of the customers from that particular country. Going global is a big decision, so Cost must take close observations into many different countries and those markets before deciding the best country operate its business. Location is considered as one of the crucial factors that lead to a business's success. The business should consider any tangible or intangible costs, political or climate risks, and the proximity to suppliers.There are four methods to choose a location: factor rating, location break- even analysis, center of gravity, and transportation model. In this case, I feel like Cost has applied the center of gravity method, which means finding a location of the single distribution center serving several destinations. Cost is operating as a warehouse or retailer, so it definitely wants to find the location that is near to households and other types of bus inesses. In that way, it can act as the main source of distribution to other businesses.Besides carrying variety kinds of products, Cost also has great services in different areas. Some of them are auto program, health and dental plans, payroll services, boat and REV loans, mortgage purchase and refinancing, etc. These services are very benefiting for customers' daily life. With the hope of keep growing and improving, Cost really value customers' feedback on any kind of service that they provided. Cost always wants to bring the best services and high quality products to its customers.Cost truly value quality because it always wants to bring the best things its customers. Every product that is delivered to Cost warehouses needs to go through a quality checking yester. Everything includes groceries, appliances, automotive supplies, tires, toys, hardware, jewelry, electronics, books, clothes, health and beauty aids, tobacco, wines, furniture. Cost is known for carrying top quality nati onal and regional brands, with a hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed, at prices consistently below traditional wholesale or retail outlets.When having quality as the top thing in the list, Cost must ensure that it has an efficient inventory management system. Managing inventory is important because it keeps track of the number of inventory need of everyday, reduce the shrinkage, and avoid out of stock situation. Just-in-time (IT) is a Japanese term that describes the method of inventory control to help increase efficiency and reduce costs by receiving goods only as needed. The method requires the producers must be able to accurately forecast the demand. Cost is applying this very well.The inventory is well managed; out- of-stock and shrinkage has never a problem to Cost, because it acts as a store and also a warehouse; therefore it can hold the goods for long. Some businesses also choose Cost as their supplier, so they will buy in bulk at the rower price. Cost is not only good a t managing inventory, but it also has a great supply chain management strategy. What Cost does is sharing detailed inventory and sales data with its brand suppliers. These suppliers, in turn, are responsible for stocking the product on Cost's shelves.This helps to eliminate the potential for a bullwhip to develop as suppliers can make accurate orders to refill the stock. Cost is incentive to provide timely, accurate data to its suppliers and suppliers are persuaded to reorder appropriate quantities of Cost. Additionally, both companies benefit by avian a more reliable system to keep products on shelves for consumers. Every business needs an appropriate process design so that it can meet the customers' requirements within the cost constraints.Among the five transformational systems -? job shop, flow shop, product focused, main customization, and project focused, Cost belongs to the product focused system. This means there are more standardized products, with high volumes, but it shou ld keep a consistent quality, and emphasizes on low cost. Products and services play an important role in an organization, but we just never forget the workforce is also an essential factor. Human resources department (HER) is where the business recruiting and training its employees.In 2006, Cost had 71 ,OHO full-time employees and 56,000 part-time employees; and I believe these numbers have increased a lot since then. When hiring new employees, Cost should give some sort of job specialization to everyone, which describes the requirements of certain position that Cost is offering, and a little information on the salary. From that, the people who find he/she is fitting in certain qualifications will apply or the position. Cost is one of a few retailers that pay and treat well to its employees.According to Jim Senegal, â€Å"having a well-compensated workforce was very important to executing Cost's strategy successfully. †By providing many benefits to the employees, it also br ings Cost a significant advantage, because everyone knows that Cost pay the highest wage, and also a retailer that treats employees nicely and fairly. Besides paying high wages, Cost also provide many sources of motivation to its employees, such as awards ND bonuses; in order to make the job becomes more interesting, Cost should change its motivation regularly. Final Paper Cost is flexible in hosing the kind of product to sell in different country, so that those products can meet the right demand of the customers from that particular country. Going global is a big decision, so Cost must take close observations into many different countries and those markets before deciding the best country operate its business. Location is considered as one of the crucial factors that lead to a business's success. The business should consider any tangible or intangible costs, political or climate risks, and the proximity to suppliers.There are four methods to choose a location: factor rating, location break- even analysis, center of gravity, and transportation model. In this case, I feel like Cost has applied the center of gravity method, which means finding a location of the single distribution center serving several destinations. Cost is operating as a warehouse or retailer, so it definitely wants to find the location that is near to households and other types of bus inesses. In that way, it can act as the main source of distribution to other businesses.Besides carrying variety kinds of products, Cost also has great services in different areas. Some of them are auto program, health and dental plans, payroll services, boat and REV loans, mortgage purchase and refinancing, etc. These services are very benefiting for customers' daily life. With the hope of keep growing and improving, Cost really value customers' feedback on any kind of service that they provided. Cost always wants to bring the best services and high quality products to its customers.Cost truly value quality because it always wants to bring the best things its customers. Every product that is delivered to Cost warehouses needs to go through a quality checking yester. Everything includes groceries, appliances, automotive supplies, tires, toys, hardware, jewelry, electronics, books, clothes, health and beauty aids, tobacco, wines, furniture. Cost is known for carrying top quality nati onal and regional brands, with a hundred percent satisfaction guaranteed, at prices consistently below traditional wholesale or retail outlets.When having quality as the top thing in the list, Cost must ensure that it has an efficient inventory management system. Managing inventory is important because it keeps track of the number of inventory need of everyday, reduce the shrinkage, and avoid out of stock situation. Just-in-time (IT) is a Japanese term that describes the method of inventory control to help increase efficiency and reduce costs by receiving goods only as needed. The method requires the producers must be able to accurately forecast the demand. Cost is applying this very well.The inventory is well managed; out- of-stock and shrinkage has never a problem to Cost, because it acts as a store and also a warehouse; therefore it can hold the goods for long. Some businesses also choose Cost as their supplier, so they will buy in bulk at the rower price. Cost is not only good a t managing inventory, but it also has a great supply chain management strategy. What Cost does is sharing detailed inventory and sales data with its brand suppliers. These suppliers, in turn, are responsible for stocking the product on Cost's shelves.This helps to eliminate the potential for a bullwhip to develop as suppliers can make accurate orders to refill the stock. Cost is incentive to provide timely, accurate data to its suppliers and suppliers are persuaded to reorder appropriate quantities of Cost. Additionally, both companies benefit by avian a more reliable system to keep products on shelves for consumers. Every business needs an appropriate process design so that it can meet the customers' requirements within the cost constraints.Among the five transformational systems -? job shop, flow shop, product focused, main customization, and project focused, Cost belongs to the product focused system. This means there are more standardized products, with high volumes, but it shou ld keep a consistent quality, and emphasizes on low cost. Products and services play an important role in an organization, but we just never forget the workforce is also an essential factor. Human resources department (HER) is where the business recruiting and training its employees.In 2006, Cost had 71 ,OHO full-time employees and 56,000 part-time employees; and I believe these numbers have increased a lot since then. When hiring new employees, Cost should give some sort of job specialization to everyone, which describes the requirements of certain position that Cost is offering, and a little information on the salary. From that, the people who find he/she is fitting in certain qualifications will apply or the position. Cost is one of a few retailers that pay and treat well to its employees.According to Jim Senegal, â€Å"having a well-compensated workforce was very important to executing Cost's strategy successfully. †By providing many benefits to the employees, it also br ings Cost a significant advantage, because everyone knows that Cost pay the highest wage, and also a retailer that treats employees nicely and fairly. Besides paying high wages, Cost also provide many sources of motivation to its employees, such as awards ND bonuses; in order to make the job becomes more interesting, Cost should change its motivation regularly.
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Cyber Bullying-Exploratory Essay
Cyber bullying has been a topic for Psychologists, Parents, and policy reform since the commercialization of the Internet. Pre-internet bullying involved socially marginalized children and teenagers picking on their friends and other marginalized children in the school yard. Traditional discipline included detentions, phone calls to their parents, and some sort of reconciliation between the children involved. Today however, the climate for bullies has dramatically changed and the risk-reward balance has been significantly tilted in favour of the bullies. Today, bullies can simply connect to the Internet and create aliases (real or anonymous) through free e-mail services, instant messaging services, and social networking services. They then use these means to effectively bully someone without the victim ever knowing who they may actually be. Psychologists believe that cyberbullying is a major cause of teen depression now days. They also believe that cyberbullying can cause several long term effects such as social awkwardness, mental issues, depression, and much more. Some psychologists believe that when patients come into their office with severe depression issues they should ask questions about cyberbullying or bullying in general. From the parents point of view they feel as though there should be laws against cyberbullying. Many fear that their child could become a victim of cyberbullying and that scares them. Some feel that the internet should have more guidelines to help prevent the things that happen to some people. Victims of cyberbullying are another perspective. They know more about the issue than any of the others. They are in the action and see and feel how it works. The victims want cyberbullying to stop and want laws be made up in order to stop it. I believe that cyberbullying should be stopped. I believe cyberbullying is much worse than physical bullying. I believe that the effects of cyberbullying have a much bigger effect on victims of cyberbullying then most people think.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
British Monarchy
1. British Monarchy: the function of the queen in modern society, the royal privileges and maps, the royal household, the chief beginnings of income, chief ceremonies connected with royalty, royal abodes, the perceptual experience of monarchy in society The Monarchy is called the dignified portion of the Fundamental lawas opposed to the efficient portion # 8211 ; the executive ( the Government ) . Under the British Constitution the Monarch remains the caput of province which efficaciously means that British people are non citizens but Her Majesty # 8217 ; s topics. The Royal Prerogatives # 8211 ; an action of the Government that gets its legitimacy from the Crown ( there are certain actions that the Government performs, they are finally approved by the Queen. ) It is a fiction because the Queen is advised on most of her actions by her Government. 1: to name the PM at the terminal of the election ( usually the leader of the party that has the bulk in the HC ) 2: to cite, prorogue ( # 1086 ; # 1073 ; # 1098 ; # 1103 ; # 1074 ; # 1083 ; # 1103 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; # 1087 ; # 1077 ; # 1088 ; # 1077 ; # 1088 ; # 1099 ; # 1074 ; ) and fade out the Parliament. 3: enact statute law ( # 1074 ; # 1074 ; # 1086 ; # 1076 ; # 1080 ; # 1090 ; # 1100 ; # 1079 ; # 1072 ; # 1082 ; # 1086 ; # 1085 ; # 1086 ; # 1087 ; # 1088 ; # 1086 ; # 1077 ; # 1082 ; # 1090 ; # 1099 ; ) ; to give her Royal Assent to measures when they # 8217 ; ve been passed by both Houses. 4: declares war / makes peace 5: recognizes foreign provinces and authoritiess 6: concludes pacts 7: extensions / cedes districts 8: caput of judiciary = all the tribunals of the land are the Queen # 8217 ; s Courts # 8211 ; all the tests carried out in the Queen # 8217 ; s name ( Regina vs. Jones ) 9: Commander-in-chief of the Armed Forces 10: temporal governor of the Church of England 11: makes formal assignments to the most of import offices of the province in the Armed Forces and churches 12: confers baronages, knighthoods and other honours 13: formal blessing to determinations of the Government is given at the meetings of the Privy Council 14: the Queen of 16 former settlements, including Australia, Canada, New Zealand, represented by the governor. The Head of the Commonwealth ( 16 + some more other states ) Constitutional function of the Queen ( sovereign ) was foremost explicitly formulated by the 19 cent author and journalist Walter Bagehot ( the English Constitution 1867 ) . Celebrated ternary expression: the Queen has the right to be consulted, the right to promote and the right to warn. Every twenty-four hours surveies cabinet documents, foreign office paperss, receives a study of the parliamentary proceedings, on a regular basis sees the PM in audience, in changeless touch with foreign embassadors and the Commonwealth representatives. Important symbolic function: the integrity of the state, historical traditions and continuity. Defender of the Faith # 8211 ; merely Anglicans can win to the throne. Religious caput of province, the archbishop of Canterbury crowns the sovereign. 2 archbishops ( Canterbury and York ) and 24 bishops, deans of Cathedrals ( appointed by the Queen, advised by the PM ) . The Queen has ecclesiastic family # 8211 ; the College of Chaplains, the Chaplains and organists of the Chapels Royal at the Tower of London, St. James Palace and Hampton Court. The Royal Peculiars # 8211 ; non subjects to the legal power of archbishops, they are monarch # 8217 ; s. A figure of particular royal occasions, taking topographic point on a regular basis each twelvemonth: the province gap of the Parliament # 8211 ; October, November ( unless there has been general election ) . The Queen drives in a province passenger car from Buckingham castle to the castle of Westminster ( HL ) , reads her address from the throne, wears a Crown, address prepared by the governor. The Remembrance twenty-four hours # 8211 ; in November, service in the White Hall for the dead of the 2WW, lays a garland at the Cenotaph. June # 8211 ; goes to the Derby at Epsom, subsequently in June at Windsor for the Royal Ascot. Second Saturday of June # 8211 ; official birthday. The Trooping of he Colour, Horse Guards Parade, birth honours are given. In summer 3 garden parties are given in the evidences of Buckingham palace # 8211 ; all people # 8211 ; each attended by ~ 8,000 people of different walks of life ; tea, bars, brass set. The royal family # 8211 ; 350 courtiers, Private Secretary, ladies-in-waiting, the Mistress of the Robes, Ladies ( Gentlemen ) of the Bedchamber. The Finance. More than # 190 ; of the Queen # 8217 ; s disbursals is met by relevant authorities debts. # 163 ; 15,3mln # 8211 ; castles ( 3 functionary abodes # 8211 ; Buckingham castle in London, Holyrood castle in Edinburgh, Windsor palace ) . The Civil List # 8211 ; money provided by the Government and frequently by the Parliament, on a 10-year footing for the running of the Queen # 8217 ; s family. 2001-2011 # 8211 ; # 163 ; 7,9mln. Besides the Queen receives an income # 8211 ; the Duchy of Lancaster ( the Crown estate gt ; 19,000 hectares ) # 8211 ; one-year income # 163 ; 7,3mln before revenue enhancement. The Duke of Edinburgh ( hubby ) , kids ( Princess Royal Ann, Prince Andrew, Edward ) # 8211 ; receive rentes, but the Queen refunds all except the hubby, he # 8217 ; s the lone who receives purely. The Queen pays for her kids, they live at her disbursal. Prince Charles # 8211 ; the Heir to the Throne ; Duchy of Cornwall # 8211 ; income, in 2003 ~ # 163 ; 10mln ~ # 188 ; income revenue enhancement. The Queen offered to pay revenue enhancement on voluntary footing # 8211 ; decides how much to pay, on her private income, e.g. on portion of the Civil List used for private intents ( e.g. feast for friends ) . Others pay income revenue enhancement on regular footing like ordinary citizens. The Civil List is administrated by the alleged Keeper of the Privy Purse. Private Royal abodes. Sandringham ( East Anglia ) , Balmoral ( Scotland ) , Clarence House ( Queen Mother resided ) , St. James # 8217 ; s Palace ( Prince Charles, the minor royals ) , Kensington Palace ( Diana ) . Grace and favour flats, free of charge. The Royal Family. The Queen # 8217 ; s conserve # 8211 ; Philip the Duke of Edinburgh ( 1921 ) # 8211 ; celebrated for his epigrams. Princess Royal Ann, girl. The Prince of Wales ( 1948 ) , Heir to the Throne # 8211 ; Heir Apparent. Prince William ( 21 now ) # 8211 ; Heir Presumptive, Prince Henry ( 1984 ) . Prince Andrew ( 1960 ) # 8211 ; the Duke of York, Prince Edward ( 1964 ) # 8211 ; the Earl of Wessex. The perceptual experience of monarchy in society # 8211 ; it has its symbolic function, integrity, continuity, but immature people are far from it, the general attitude # 8211 ; non interested, attracts tourers. 2. The national symbols of Britain and its component parts ( the National flag, anthem, the national emblems, the Royal Beasts ) . The system of rubrics and honours The National Flag # 8211 ; the Union Jack. Combination of three crosses # 8211 ; St. George # 8217 ; s traverse # 8211 ; England, ruddy cross on a white land ; the cross of St. Andrew for Scotland # 8211 ; white diagonal cross on a bluish land ; the cross of St. Patrick for Ireland # 8211 ; ruddy diagonal on a white land. First introduced in 1606, had 2 crosses, brotherhood of England and Scotland ( James I ) , 1801 # 8211 ; St. Patrick added. National Emblems. Rise for England, thistle for Scotland, Narcissus pseudonarcissus ( leek ) for Wales, white clover ( wild oxalis, ruddy manus ) for Ireland. Crown, sceptre, blade of province, eyeball. Monogram ER # 8211 ; Elizabeth Royal. In the Centre of the emblem is situated a heraldic shield, divided into 4 parts. Left upper portion A ; right lower portion typify England ( 3 gold leopards on a ruddy land ) . Right upper portion # 8211 ; Scots emblem ( a ruddy king of beasts on a gold land ) . Left lower portion # 8211 ; Irish emblem ( xanthous harp on a bluish land ) . Around the shield # 8211 ; supporter. The shield is held by two Royal Beasts the Lion with the Crown in the left, the Unicorn in the right. Under them a bluish thread with words # 8220 ; Dieu et Monday droit # 8221 ; ( God A ; my right ) # 8211 ; Richard I. In the background # 8211 ; rose ( England ) , thistle ( Scotland ) , medic ( Ireland ) , leek ( Wales ) . The National Anthem # 8211 ; God Save the Queen ( King ) . Adopted after the War with Napoleon. The Royal Animals. The Lion of England, the Unicorn of Scotland, the Red Dragon of Wales, the Grey Hound of Richmond, the White Horse of Hanover, the Griffin of Edward III, the Falcon of the Plantagenet lines. The system of rubrics and honours. Twice a twelvemonth ( at the New Year and on the Queen # 8217 ; s official birthday # 8211 ; the Queen # 8217 ; s birthday honours ) # 8211 ; solemn ceremonial. 3000 honours are given yearly # 8211 ; the bulk the Order of the British Empire, most on PM # 8217 ; s advice, a few in the Queen # 8217 ; s personal gift. The Order of the Garter ( since Edward III 14th cent. ) # 8211 ; 24 people at one time, the Queen is a crowned head of the Order of the Garter, bluish thread, Prince Charles, + foreign, e.g. the King of Spain. The Order of the Thistle # 8211 ; 16 knights, green thread. The Order of Merit ( 1902 ) # 8211 ; 24 people. Royal Victorian Order ( 1896 ) # 8211 ; who have straight served the Royal Family. The Order of the Bath ( 1725 ) # 8211 ; ceremonial ablutions, red thread. The Order of the British Empire: 5 grades # 8211 ; member of the British Empire ( MBE ) , officer ( OBE ) , commanding officer ( CBE ) , knight commanding officer ( KBE ) or dame commanding officer ( DBE ) , knight/dame expansive cross ( GBE ) . Lists are made by members of the populace. Remain common mans, no particular privileges, rubrics are non familial. Highest honor # 8211 ; baronage, historically familial, and since 1959 life baronage. The 5 classs # 8211 ; Duke / Duchess ( Your Grace ) , Marquis / Marchioness ( My Lord ) , Earl / Countess ( # 8220 ; ) , Viscount / Viscountess, Baron / Baroness. Connected with individual # 8217 ; s business. On formal frocks # 8211 ; strawberry leaves, a coronet consisting of 8 strawberry foliages, 4 Ag falls and 4 strawberry foliages for a Marquis. Peers can disclaim their rubric, to acquire the right to sit in the HC # 8211 ; the rubric falls into suspension, means title delaies until this individual dies and his boy accepts it. The older boies of equals have courtesy rubric, one grade lower than their male parents # 8217 ; . Duke can strip his boy heritage, but no right to strip of the rubric. Elections in Britain Members of the House of Commons ( MPs ) are elected by electors of 651 parliamentary constituencies, into which Britain is divided, each with electorate of about 60,000 electors. Each individual over 18 has the right to vote, except captives, Godheads and the mentally sick. The vote is taken by a secret ballot. Each constituency is represented by one MP. The victor is the campaigner who gets more ballots than any other individual campaigner. The leader of the party with most seats normally becomes the PM and forms the Government, which can stay in power for up to five old ages. The 2nd biggest party becomes the official Opposition, and its leader forms the Shadow Cabinet. The PM chooses the day of the month of the following General Election. About a month before the election the PM meets a little group of close advisors to discourse the day of the month. Then the PM officially asks the Queen to fade out the Parliament # 8211 ; all MPs become unemployed, but authorities officers cont inue to map. . Voting takes topographic point on Polling Day ( normally a Thursday ) , the consequences are known by the following forenoon. The leader of the party that got the bulk is invited by the Queen to organize a authorities. The authorities is arranged in approximately 15 sections each with a curate as its caput. The PM chooses about 20 Mononuclear phagocyte systems from his or her party to go the Cabinet of Ministers. Members of the House of Lords are non elected. About 70 per cent of them are familial equals. The other 30 per cent are life equals, they are appointed by the Queen. The relative representation system # 8211 ; all political parties, little every bit good as big, are represented in the government organic structure harmonizing to the proportion of ballots they receive. Parties. 3 chief parties # 8211 ; the Labour ( Tony Blair ) , the Conservative ( Ian Duncan Smith ) , the Liberal-Democrats ( Charles Kennedy ) . Labour # 8211 ; ruddy coloring material, Conservative # 8211 ; bluish, Lib-Dem # 8211 ; orange. The party system since 17thcent. The House of the Godheads The chief map of the HL is to analyze and revise measures from the Commons. It besides acts as the concluding tribunal of entreaty. Bill send from the HC may be approved by the HL ( if fiscal automatically ) , they can amend the measure and direct it back to the HC, can non merely reject, can detain for 13 months, after this it becomes a jurisprudence ( # 8220 ; kill a measure # 8221 ; ) , but the measure is no longer relevant. Chamber: throne in the centre with a canopy and a woolsack ( beginning of Britain # 8217 ; s prosperity ) where the Lord Chancellor sits ( talker of the HL ) . Governmental side # 8211 ; right of the talker, resistance # 8211 ; left. Benches # 8211 ; ruddy leather, green line separates authorities and resistance ( for contrast ) + transverse benches. The talker takes portion in arguments and ballots. If the talker decides to turn to as an ordinary # 8211 ; leaves the woolsack. The House of Commons Current rank: Labor 409 ( a # 8220 ; comfy # 8221 ; bulk ) , Conservatives 163, Lib-Dem 53, entire 659 ( + some smaller parties ) . Presided over by a talker, has the right to keep the order, elected at the beginning of each parliament session or when the old retires or dies ; doesn # 8217 ; t talk in arguments, doesn # 8217 ; t ballot, calls members to talk, puts the inquiry ( to vote ) . The Chamberhas the same agreement # 8211 ; talker # 8217 ; s chair ( alternatively of the throne and the woolsack ) . Shadow Cabinet of the Opposition has the right to lucubrate alternate policies.Frontbenchers, backbenchers, crossbenchers, the visitants # 8217 ; gallery. The benches are green. Stress 2-party system. The procedure of arguments is adversarial. The chief mapis to do Torahs by go throughing Acts of Parliament, every bit good as to discourse current political issues. Parliamentary process. Each session begins with the State Opening of the Parliament, if a portion has the bulk, the Queen reads the address. A argument, a ballot is taken. If no clear bulk # 8211 ; hung parliament, unsafe state of affairs, can take to a parliament crisis. Most of the twelvemonth # 8211 ; particular modus operandi. Proceedings are public, televised, imperativeness admitted, so print the proceedings on the undermentioned twenty-four hours in Hansard ( it was the first adult male who published ) . Business, order of concern, parliamentary concern ; inquiry clip # 8211 ; 1 hr, MPs ask Ministers and other MPs inquiries, prepared 48 hours, by resistance # 8211 ; to uncover the failing in the Government. The chief argument: measures are introduced by the Government, Ministers largely. The measure is introduced in a signifier of a gesture, any Minister can travel something ; the inquiry is unfastened to debate. At the terminal of the argument the Speaker asks MPs if they accept a gesture, sometimes the affair is decides on the topographic point. Approved by a bulk, rare # 8211 ; a division is called: aye/no anterooms # 8211 ; ballot by walking, a bell is rung, appoint Tellers stay on a/n anterooms, each MP walk to the anteroom and they are counted ; hold really small clip. The measure goes through some phases: foremost reading # 8211 ; debated in item, when is complicated, the House goes into commission, particular commission remains ( e.g. the Committee of Defense ) , others leave. 3rdclip # 8211 ; passed or rejected, if passed # 8211 ; gt ; the HL # 8211 ; gt ; the Queen for the Royal Assent # 8211 ; gt ; jurisprudence. Bills are drafted by audience with professional organic structures. Sometimes the proposals take the signifier of white paper ( provinces that the Government wants to cognize the attitude of public ) ; if wants public treatment # 8211 ; green paper. The standing commissions. Guillotine gesture ( foremost introduced by Thatcher ) # 8211 ; cuts down argument, repair the clip is allocated. Every party has the party whips # 8211 ; like party police officer, press the members to vote for the Government, all party members vote for. They don # 8217 ; t play hooky player, if don # 8217 ; t come # 8211 ; decrease of the wage. The Government and Cabinet 10, Downing Street # 8211 ; PM and the Cabinet. The White Hall # 8211 ; Her Majesty # 8217 ; s Government, governs in the name of the Queen. The Queen invites the leader of the party that has the bulk to organize a authorities. The Ministers are about ever the members of the Commons, besides a few # 8211 ; Lords. It is based on a tradition, because in the Commons the Government is expected to explicate its policies. In 19thcentury some Governments included members of different parties. The chief curates and sections. ~100 Ministers, the cardinal nucleus is the Cabinet ~20 senior Curates invited by the PM, they are called the Secretaries of State. Minister # 8211 ; a junior member of the Cabinet. Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs ( Foreign Secretary ) # 8211 ; Jack Straw ; Chancellor of the Exchequer ( Minister of Finance ) # 8211 ; Gordon Brown ; Home Secretary ( Home Department ) ; Secretary for Defense, for Culture, Media and Sport, Education and Employment, Social Security, for Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland. The chief rules: 1 corporate duty ( as if they were one individual ) even if persons do non hold. If a Minister has done something incorrect, his co-workers have to disinherit him/her, will hold to vacate. 2 PM foremost among peers. In theory the 2ndis supposed to promote balance and freedom for single curates, in pattern it can give rise to tenseness. Insure leading, let for each curate some duty and freedom in their field. Cabinet meetings are held in private, 1-2 a hebdomad, while the Parliament is sitting, or, less frequently, during parliamentary deferral. The proceedings are confidential, secretaries take a particular curse non to unwrap. Because of the great sum of concern, Secretaries have junior Curates working under them # 8211 ; Curates of State ( Undersecretaries ) . Civil Service # 8211 ; a political organic structure which administers the determinations of the Ministers. Employed ~600,000 civil retainers, expected to be politically impartial, serves any authorities, every bit loyal to whatever party is in office ; if they want to stand for the Parliament they have to vacate foremost. Centre # 8211 ; the Cabinet Office, responsibilities # 8211 ; considerable, including the proper running of the whole Civil Service. The Local Government 1995-1998 # 8211 ; the system was reformed. Types. 45 Unitary governments, largely around the large metropoliss. Now the system of local authorities has one-tier governments, merely unitary. 2-tier governments: county councils ( council member ) , subdivided into territory / borough councils ( city managers ) . In England # 8211 ; 45 u. c. , 34 c. c. and 238 d. / b. c. Local elections # 8211 ; for 4 old ages, council members elect yearly, function on voluntary footing ; the council doesn # 8217 ; Ts have executive powers, no decision maker # 8211 ; fundamentally self-regulating. The Queen # 8217 ; s represented by Lord Lieutenant of the county, attends on the Queen when she comes to the county, gives honours and grants on behalf of the Crown. Functions. Responsible for instruction, the care of the chief roads, societal services, public assistance, libraries, fire service, garbage disposal. District councils: lodging, urban roads, auto Parkss, garbage aggregation, diversion, graveyards, environmental wellness. Unitary councils # 8211 ; unite all these maps. Parish councils # 8211 ; in rural. Beginnings of funding. 1 the council revenue enhancement # 8211 ; on the owner-occupier or renter of a home which is their exclusive or chief abode. Calculate: depending on rating of the market monetary value of the home. Standard Band D, divide homes into groups. 2 non-domestic rate # 8211 ; on other sorts of belongings ; 3 authorities grants ; 4 income from fees and charges for services. London. 32 borough councils. The London city manager # 8211 ; Ken Livingston. Greater London authorization ( GLA ) covers the country of 32 boroughs and the City of London. The Corporation of London: the Lord-Mayor # 8211 ; nominated yearly by the City Guilds, 24 Aldermen, 130 council members. Cymrus. Merely unitary governments ( 22 ) . Besides # 8211 ; degeneration # 8211 ; the National Assembly for Wales in Cardiff for 4 old ages, 60 members and presiding officer. Can present secondary statute law, on the footing of Acts of the Apostless passed by the Parliament in Westminster, can non raise or lower income revenue enhancement. The Welsh Cabinet # 8211 ; 1stSecretary, secretaries for minor affairs ( ~ economic development, instruction, wellness, etc. ) . Have step of independency presents. Scotland. 29 unitary governments, for 3 old ages, elected. + 3 island councils. Have greater independency than Wales. The Scots Parliament, in Edinburgh, since 1999, 128 members. Has the right to present primary statute law and raise / lower income revenue enhancement by up to 3p in the lb. The Scottish Executive # 8211 ; the authorities, for instruction, wellness, jurisprudence and order, headed by the 1stMinister. Own notes # 8211 ; Scots lb. Northern Ireland: 26 territory councils elected for 4 old ages. The system of jurisprudence and order The Fundamental lawis non codified in any formal papers. The legislative subdivision # 8211 ; the HL, the HC, the Queen ; the Cabinet and the PM # 8211 ; executive ; they are combined by the Queen. In fact the Parliament is controlled by the executive, as all the measures pass to the Parliament by the bulk party, besides it is in the Parliament. Judicial system is represented by Courts, the HL is the chief 1. So there is practically no separation of powers. The bulk party has the existent power in the state. There is no constitutional tribunal, the system provides for no cheques and balances. The legal system of England and Wales are separated of these of Scotland and Northern Ireland. The system of tribunals. Supreme authorization # 8211 ; the HL ( supreme tribunals ) . The Ultimate Court of Appeal # 8211 ; Law Lords. Under the HL # 8211 ; Supreme Court of Judicature ( instead abstract, no individual organic structure ) , including the Court of Appeal, the High Court of Justice ( responsible for civil instances ) , the Crown Court ( for condemnable instances ) . The High Court of Justice: 3 divisions # 8211 ; the Chancery Division ( fiscal affairs: bankruptcy, reading of minutess and volitions ) , the Queen # 8217 ; s Bench Division ( for commercial jurisprudence: breach of contracts, serious personal hurt ) , the Family Division ( acceptance, divorce, etc. ) . Claimant/plaintiff lt ; # 8211 ; gt ; suspect. Civil instances: most are minor, settled in Small Claims Court ( affecting amount of money lt ; # 163 ; 5,000 ) , by a territory justice, if he decides that you are right can present costs and normally compensation / amendss. The more serious affair ( e.g. auto ) # 8211 ; to the County tribunal ( circuit justice # 8211 ; travels to the topographic point ) . You # 8217 ; d be represented by a canvasser or a barrister, if the instance is serious ( e.g. route accident and person was severely injured ) . If you are disgruntled # 8211 ; to the Court of Appeal ( Civil Division ) . Condemnable instances: Crown Prosecution Service, headed by the Director of Public Prosecutions, works under the counsel of the Attorney-General. Crown Prosecution Service sends barristers andcanvassers. 3 types of offenses: 1 ) sum-up offenses ( 95 % ) # 8211 ; e.g. motoring offenses, dealt with in Magistrates # 8217 ; tribunals ( Justice of the Peace ) # 8211 ; 3 people, ordinary citizens, chosen by the community, appointed by the Lord Chancellor on recommendations by local groups ; unpaid, non professional attorneies ( put magistrates ) , without any jury # 8211 ; so advised on points of jurisprudence and process by a particular lawfully qualified clerk. Magistrates # 8217 ; tribunal can condemn to less than 6 month imprisonment or a all right of less than # 163 ; 5,000, if more serious # 8211 ; direct to the Crown Court. 2 ) Offense triable either manner ( e.g. auto larceny ) # 8211 ; pick belongs to the suspect, decides either should be heard by ballad magistrates or the Crown Court. 3 ) Chargeable offenses ( e.g. robbery, at the point of the gun or knife ) # 8211 ; merely in the Crown Court, presided by High Court Judges ( full-time circuit Judgess ) with a jury of 12 people ( jurymans ) . Crown Courts besides hear the instances from Magistrates. If dissatisfied # 8211 ; to the Court of Appeal ( the Criminal Division ) . Verdict is reached by the jury, after they have heard. Jury # 8211 ; local people ( constitutional responsibility ) . The justice sits in the tribunal room, makes certain that the test is decently conducted. Counsel for prosecution, for Defense. The justice ~ ushers, helps the jury to make the finding of fact. Person is presumed to be guiltless unless the prosecution can turn out guilt above all sensible uncertainty. Convicted, acquitted, recessed. Offenses: slaying, manslaughter, colza, assault, assault and battery, incendiarism, robbery, burglary, larceny, mugging, shrinkage, snatch, peculation, graft, counterfeit, bearing false witness, slander, libel, blackmail, maltreatment of power/confidence, disorderly behavior, hurrying. Punishment: mulct, imprisonment, community service, probation ( study to a particular probation officer ) , remand in detention, remand on bond, to allow, deny bond, release on word ; decease punishment abolished in 1969. The age of condemnable duty 10 old ages. For kids # 8211 ; Juvenile Court ( youth tribunal ) , 15 old ages peak age: let to populate within the household, under particular supervising, take into local authorization attention ( in a community place ) , attend particular school, live with surrogate parents, community service. Lawyers. Solicitors # 8211 ; the lower class, may cover with public, barristers # 8211 ; can non near public. A individual # 8211 ; gt ; canvasser # 8211 ; gt ; barrister # 8211 ; speaks in tribunal. Solicitor speaks in the Magistrates # 8217 ; Courts. Law society # 8211 ; for canvassers, the Bar # 8211 ; for barristers. Queen # 8217 ; s Counsels ( QC ) # 8211 ; in of import instances. No particular preparation for Judgess, Lord Chancellor decides who is to be a justice, chooses barristers. 9. The category system of modern Britain: the enlargement of the in-between category, category mobility, the upper categories, the outgrowth of a new lower class, the chief causes of this, the British impression of professional categories, the perceptual experience of category system and category struggle in modern society 1990 # 8217 ; s: upper category 1 % , upper middle 3 % , in-between 16 % , lower in-between 25 % , skilled working 25 % , unskilled working 17 % , underclass 13 % . A market characteristic of last 3 decennaries of 20thcentury # 8211 ; major enlargement of the in-between category. In 1900 75 % of manual workers, in 1991 # 8211 ; 36 % . 2mln occupations created in the professional and managerial Fieldss, works became more skilled and the service sector grew well ; mean income grew, so today much of the working category population can afford a in-between category life manner. Thatcher made 2/3 of population house-owners by selling council houses for give-away monetary values, overpowering bulk have a bank history or a edifice society history ; share-holders due to the denationalization of province companies in 1980 # 8217 ; s. Traditionally working at a works was considered on the job category, but basically in-between category # 8211 ; a batch of mobility between center, lower cen ter and working categories. Least mobility in upper category, in lower class # 8211 ; another consequence of Thatcher # 8217 ; s policies ( abolished full-employment ) . 1 % ain # 188 ; of the state # 8217 ; s wealth ; heritage, spread around the household to minimise the consequence of revenue enhancement. Young people # 8211 ; professionals, like civil retainers, attorneies, armed forced # 8211 ; during Thatcher # 8217 ; s period, a batch of them moved from the public service to the private sector, because of wages. In 1964 people were asked if there was category battle # 8211 ; 48 % # 8220 ; yes # 8221 ; , in 1995 # 8211 ; 81 % . 10. Historic state houses as portion of British national heritage: the development of attitudes from the mid-19th century to the present twenty-four hours. The function of the chief blue households, the National Trust and the authorities in the saving of the state houses Until early 19thcentury # 8211 ; private houses of the nobility. Their function as national heritage began so. The Victorian thought # 8211 ; Tudor and Jacobean houses, contrasted to the 18the century houses which considered not-English, cosmopolite. A author Nash published a book about them, everybody could see. Started going a batch, one of the most popular interests, + railways ( 1825 ) , all categories excepting working categories. Few proprietors needed fiscal part, so no fee ( merely in 3-4 houses ) . In 2ndhalf of the 19thcentury # 8211 ; alteration, friendly attitude broken, general populace began to be called anti-intellectuals ( commercialism, urbanisation, amenitiess ) . Middle category # 8211 ; widely distributed resorts ( Nice, Biarritz # 8211 ; tone was set by Edward, Victoria # 8217 ; s boy ) . In European states # 8211 ; opposite. In Jan 1895 # 8211 ; a charitable trust was set up, the National Trust ( 1stpresident # 8211 ; Duke of Westminster ) . Accepted gifts from people who cared, bought houses by public subscription, rank fees. Bought merely ~60 houses. The 2nd group of people # 8211 ; proprietors themselves # 8211 ; savages. Didn # 8217 ; t want to keep. Deep agribusiness depression, monetary values of land fell, grain monetary values fell, = gt ; economic and political power suffered terrible blows, land and money more of import than houses and contents, big houses were really expensive to keep # 8211 ; found purchasers, or redecorated, destructing his torical characteristics. In 1894 # 8211 ; decease responsibility introduced, this ruined many blue households. The 3rd group # 8211 ; little, about fringy # 8211 ; aesthetes, criticized anti-intellectuals and savages. Between the WW # 8211 ; public rating continued to deteriorate, sing stopped, closed, abandoned or demolished. Urbanization of the state # 8211 ; landholders began to sell land ( decease responsibility # 8211 ; 50 % ) , ~ 1/5 of landholders fell out of the category. While they could sell lands, cipher needed houses, they could be bough # 8220 ; for a vocal # 8221 ; . Lots demolished, tonss sold to assorted establishments, like public schools, colleges, young person inns. After WWII # 8211 ; alteration, trade with the authorities ( schools, or shop houses for national art aggregations ) ; if non # 8211 ; to suit military personnels. Besides # 8211 ; one time is taken # 8211 ; no decease responsibility. Everybody felt there was no hereafter for the state houses life, tonss demolished, sold, needed for schools, infirmaries. Late 50 # 8217 ; s-60 # 8217 ; s period of turning land monetary values, many landholders became multimillionaires. Then a group was formed # 8220 ; heritage in danger # 8221 ; . Tax freedom for of import plants of art, edifices, stretches of land. Owners were allowed to set their belongings in â€Å"maintenance funds†– controlled by the household, but treated as public organic structures. Apply for care grants – historic edifice council. Nowadays # 8211 ; 1: in private owned houses # 8211 ; HHA ( historic houses association ) , in best status. 2: owned by the National Trust ( rank fee, but sing free ) . 3: owned by the Government, 1984 English heritage set up, organisation funded by the Government, shells # 8211 ; nil indoors, or ruins. There is Secretary in the Cabinet for English Heritage. Besides purchasing # 8211 ; grants export licence to take it out of the state, administers Historic Buildings Council grants. 4: institutional usage, e.g. Warwick Castle # 8211 ; Mme Tussaud # 8217 ; s. British History 1. Name the encroachers who came to the British Isles before the Norman Conquest. The Celts ( 700 BC ) , the Romans ( 55, 54 BC Caesar ; 44, 77 AD Agricola ) , the Scotts from Ireland, the Picts from far north, the Anglo-Saxons ( 6thcentury ) , the Vikings ( Danes, Norwegians, Swedes ) 2. Who were the Druids? The ancient Gaelic priests and instructors, spiritual leaders, before Christianity. 3. What is Hadrian s Wall? A rock wall which the Roman Emperor Hadrian ordered to be built across the North of England in 122 Ad from the E seashore to the West, in order to support Roman Britain from onslaught by northern folks. Every 15 stat mis # 8211 ; garrison. In Northumberland. 4. What do the words Danelaw and Danegeld base for? Area conquered by the Danes, money ( ransom ) paid to the encroachers. 5. What do you cognize about the conflict of Hastings? 14 Oct 1066, the Norman King William the Conqueror defeated the ground forces of the English King Harold. 6. Trace the history of spiritual on the British Isles up to the concluding transition to Christianity. Druids, pagan religion, # 8211 ; gt ; pagan Romans, eradicated Druids, # 8211 ; gt ; 391 Theodosius ordered the closing of all heathen temples, # 8211 ; gt ; 597 Pope Gregory sent mission to change over Anglo-Saxons, St. Augustine # 8211 ; missional ; monasteries, churches, by 8thcentury Christianized. 7. What changes did the Romans bring to Britain? Introduction of towns, baths in each, aqueducts, drainage, sewerage, walls against invasions, armed cantonments, Villas, introduces some veggies and fruits. 8. When was England portion of a Norse Empire? The Angevin Empire? 11thcent. 1154 terminal of the 14thcentury. 9. Remark on the beginning of names like Gloucester, Worcester, Essex, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday. Gloucester, Worcester # 8211 ; # 8220 ; castra # 8221 ; intending the armed cantonment ( lat. ) , Essex # 8211 ; east Saxons, Thursday # 8211 ; Vikings # 8217 ; strongest God of boom Thor, Friday # 8211 ; Freya # 8217 ; s twenty-four hours. 10. Which languages of Britain are of Celtic beginning? Gaelic, Erse ( Scots and Irish ) , Welsh, Irish. 11. What historical significance does the Bayeux Tapestry hold? A tapestry ( big piece of heavy woven cloth ) 70m long, made in Bayeux ( France ) in 11th-12thcenturies, whose images tell the narrative of the Norman Conquest. 12. When was Westminster Abbey built? Rebuilt? 11thcentury, 13thcentury. 13. In what papers is the narrative of the Viking invasion told? The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. 14. What is Witenagemot? The council of the aristocracy and top clergy in 10thcentury. 15. What was the capital of Anglo-Saxon and early Norman England? Winchester. 16. How was the royal family expected to be financed in the medieval times? When did this pattern terminal? The male monarch was believed to be the richest landholder, expected to populate off his ain. Then system of revenue enhancement # 8211 ; the knights were encouraged to remain in their manors and better, pay revenue enhancements, instead than function the male monarch at the tribunal. Ended when the Civil List was introduced, money was given by the Parliament. 17. When was test by jury introduced? How did it work? 12thcentury, jurymans were the informants themselves. Cipher could be convicted unless jurymans swore that there was the instance against person. 18. In what war was the conflict of Crecy fought? What was its consequence? The Hundred Years War. 1356. Prince of Wales ( Black Prince ) defeated the Gallic. 19. What papers was signed at Runneymede? In what twelvemonth? What were its commissariats? Magna Charta, 1215. ~ 1stEnglish fundamental law, lay down the foundation of the authorities, 60 articles. Most of import # 8211 ; no free adult male was to be arrested, imprisoned except by the jurisprudence of land ( given of artlessness ) ; no revenue enhancement should be introduced without the blessing of thee Council. Privileges to boroughs # 8211 ; charted town, guaranteed freedom of metropoliss. 20. What are the campaigns? 8 wars led by Christian European male monarchs in the 11th, 12thand 13thcenturies to acquire control of Palestine from the Muslims, since both sides believed that Palestine was a holy land in their faith. 21. How and when did Parliament emerge in England? 13thcentury # 8211 ; 1265. Great councils more and more frequently, representatives from shires, towns came to meetings. In 1350 divided into HL and HC. 22. How was the feudal system organized under William the Conqueror? Brought 170 tenants-in-chief, 5,000 knights. The honor ( land ) # 8211 ; to tenants-in-chief, manors # 8211 ; to knights. Governing category # 8211 ; renters, knights ( aristocracy category ) , bishops ( appointed by the King ) . William gave orders to renters, they to knights. Common people belonged to the knights. 23. Why did the Hundred Years War start? How did it stop? 1337-1453. Attempt to repossess the Angevin Empire, tried to maintain control of lands in France. The Gallic won and forced the English to go forth France. 24. What is the Domesday Book? The record of all the lands in England, demoing their size, value, ownership, etc. , made in 1086 on the orders of William the Conqueror. 25. What do you cognize about Thomas Becket? The Archbishop of Canterbury, who was killed by Henry II # 8217 ; s soldiers ( 1170 ) in Canterbury Cathedral ( # 8220 ; Who will free me of this turbulent priest? # 8221 ; ) . Becket was his friend. He was appointed Lord Chancellor, so became the Archbishop and began to claim estates from the baronial people as being Church belongings. Then he declared that no power, but himself should name a priest to any church in England. Henry II tried to cut down the power of the Church. They quarreled, so Becket resigned and changed life styles to humbleness and self-denial, went to France for 6 old ages. 26. What are the royal regalia? Ceremonial apparels and ornaments. Crown, sceptre, eyeball, + blade of province. 27. Who is Wolsey? An English Cardinal, and politician who was rich and powerful, but lost power after neglecting to carry the Pope to let Henry VIII to disassociate Catherine of Aragon. Accused of high lese majesty, died merely in clip. 28. When and how were the feudal system and the power of the mediaeval aristocracy broken? 15thcentury. Continuous contending among the baronial people, the Wars of the Roses ( civil war ) , physically wiped out, and common people stayed off from contending. Battle of Bosworth, 1485 # 8211 ; terminal of mediaeval England. 29. What character in English history was called the King-maker? Why? During the Wars of the Roses, Earl of Warwick, decided to interfere, and Edward IV became the male monarch with his aid. 30. What do you cognize about Thomas More? An English politician and author, he was the King # 8217 ; s advisor, Lord Chancellor, but when he opposed the King # 8217 ; s divorce and refused to accept him as the caput of the Church of England, was put in prison and beheaded. 31. Name the chief Tudor male monarchs. What was the success of the Tudor regulation based on? Henry VII, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, Elizabeth I. Absolute monarchy, set manners in every field of public life, felt public sentiment, gave rise to a new elite # 8211 ; the aristocracy, trade flourished, avoided expensive wars. 32. How did the Church of England emerge? In 1527 Henry VIII wanted to remarry ( Catherine of Aragon # 8211 ; gt ; Anne Boleyn ) , the Pope didn # 8217 ; t admit his divorce ( was influenced by the Spanish male monarch, Catherine # 8217 ; s nephew ) , in 1533 broke off with Vatican, announced himself a supreme caput of the Church of England. 33. Who is Thomas Cranmer? What is he best remembered for? The Archbishop of Canterbury, foremost after the creative activity of C of E, one of the leaders of Reformation. Granted the King his divorce. 34. The causes, two chief periods and the consequences of the Wars of the Roses. Dynastic crisis, Plantagenets perished, the competition between House of Lancasters and House of Yorks led to the civil war ( 1455-1485 ) . The Battle of St. Albans ( 1455 ) # 8211 ; Richard of York ( won ) versus Henry VI. Queen Margaret ( 1960 ) # 8211 ; Lancaster. Edward IV ( York ) . Richard III. 1485 Henry VII Tudor. The Battle of Bosworth. End of mediaeval England, rise of new elite, Tudors came to the throne. 35. Who is William Cecil? Elizabeth # 8217 ; s advisor, secretary. She had a good endowment in taking advisors in opinion. Cecils were common mans, but she made him Lord Burleigh. 36. What do you cognize about the disintegration of monasteries? Its societal effects. In the beginning of 1530s in England were approximately 800 Catholic monasteries. 1536-1540 all the monasteries were closed, the lands and properties passed to the male monarch # 8217 ; s exchequer. Then the male monarch sold the lands to gentry, it created a immense landowning category, which had political influence until the 19thcentury. 37. How did the inside of and service in the English church alteration as a consequence of the constitution of the Church of England? 1549 # 8211 ; Book of Common Prayer, retained much of Catholic pattern, including mass. More extremist ( 1552 ) # 8211 ; Catholic mass disappeared, introduced punishment. 1559 # 8211 ; Act of Uniformity. Service of the Holly Communion replaced the mass, Morning Prayer said in English, Psalm vocalizing, vicar delivered discourse from the dais. Before appealed to the oculus, now to the ear. Appearance of churches changed # 8211 ; interior about bare, Royal Arms alternatively of the image of Jesus Christ, relics, communion table, pix gone, walls whitewashed, no pictures, reverends wore surplice. Abolition of church music. 38. What character in English history is called Bloody Mary ? Why? Mary, girl of Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon. Wanted to change over the state to Catholicism. Lots of executing ( Thomas Cranmer ) , reign was about a catastrophe, unsuccessful war with France. 39. In what papers is the philosophy of the Anglican Church contained? When was the concluding version of it adopted? How did the philosophy develop from Henry VIII to Elizabeth? 42 Articles of Faith 1552 by Cranmer. In 1562 # 8211 ; modified to 39, and in 1571 was imposed by the Parliament as the philosophy of C of E # 8211 ; till presents. More extremist but proved to be the aureate mean, meant different for different people. 40. What does Elizabethan religious colony imply? Protestants wanted to travel farther, to Calvinism, Catholics to continue Catholicism. She was a Protestant, but non spiritual, didn # 8217 ; t care much ; motivated by political grounds had to come back to the C of E. In 1559 # 8211 ; Act of Supremacy ( eventually abolished foreign intervention in English ecclesiastical personal businesss ) . Act of Uniformity ( 1559 ) . She wanted moderate Protestantism, but bulk wanted more extremist signifier. Under force per unit area in 1552 issued the 2ndPrayer Book, which was more extremist than she wanted. 41. Elizabeth versus Mary Stuart. Mary was the Queen of Scotland ( Elizabeth # 8217 ; s cousin ) . She has been married to the Dauphin, the inheritor of the Gallic male monarch. As the Roman Church neer recognized the matrimony ( Henry VIII A ; Anne Boleyn ) , she claimed the English Crown. Mary was accused of slaying of her 2nd hubby and was imprisoned, signed her stepping down, so managed to get away to England. Elizabeth didn # 8217 ; t want Mary to be executed. Mary spent in prison 19 old ages, so executed for high lese majesty. 42. Elizabethan foreign policies and their consequence on the exchequer. England was non a great power, European states dominated. England in secret did injury to them ( pirates # 8211 ; got a batch of money to the exchequer, so she didn # 8217 ; t penalize them ) , and aided the Netherlands against Spain. Philip II, the Spanish King and # 8220 ; bloody # 8221 ; Mary # 8217 ; s hubby, besides back uping Mary Stuart # 8211 ; conflicted with Elizabeth. Sent fleet to get the better of England, but England won the Invincible Armada and became the Mistress of the Seas. Financial jobs, Elizabeth considered to be really miserly. 43. The chief causes of the struggle between King and Parliament in the mid-17th century. 2 chief jobs when Stuarts replaced Tudors # 8211 ; spiritual and fiscal. Lack of money in the exchequer, the Parliament refused to present any ordinary revenue enhancement. James I got rid of the Parliament. Besides James stated that Puritanism in his state couldn # 8217 ; t be tolerated. 44. In what war was the conflict of Naseby fought? 14th June 1645. The First Civil War. The first licking of monarchists. 45. Name the Stuart male monarchs and Queenss. James I, Charles I. After Restoration Charles II, James II, Mary II, William III, Queen Anne. 46. What do you cognize about Guy Fawkes? The Gunpowder Plot. 5th November 1605. He wanted to blow up the Parliament, when the King, the Lords and the Commons should be at that place. The Plot was disclosed, Fawkes imprisoned, found guilty, executed. 47. What event is normally referred to as Regicide? How popular and lawful was it? The executing of Charles I. Peoples considered this to be a atrocious event because they believed him to be lord-anointed. He was convicted non by the tribunal of jurisprudence but by a legislative assembly. 48. Under what fortunes was it possible for English male monarchs to govern without Parliament? What kings did it? When was this eventually stopped? James I got rid of the Parliament. Charles I besides. When Charles I had to cite the Parliament because he needed money severely ( Scotts invaded the state and demanded money, to forestall from active war ) # 8211 ; summoned the Long Parliament. It started go throughing Torahs # 8211 ; no disintegration of the Parliament without its consent, no type of revenue enhancement without its consent, king able to cite the Parliament when wanted, but at least in 3 old ages. 49. What events took topographic point in England between 1642 and 1649? In 1642 the King went to the North to piece the ground forces to contend with the Parliament. Cipher wanted the war but the opportunity for via media was lost, Charles refused to get rid of the royal privileges, so the war was inevitable. The Parliament created the # 8220 ; New Model Army # 8221 ; which defeated the Royal Army. Charles was captured but fled to the Isle of Wight, so arrested, set on test, executed ( 1649 ) . 50. What period is called the Personal Rule? How did it stop? 1629-1640, Charles I, had jobs with money, wanted to avoid wars, to raise money by royal privileges, granted new monopolies, remembered old revenue enhancements, conflicted with the Parliament and eventually he didn # 8217 ; t summon. Peace with France and Spain, commercial prosperity. Ended with 2 civil wars and executing. 51. Who are Cavaliers and Roundheads? Cavaliers were the people, largely aristocracy, who supported the King during the English Civil War. Roundheads, largely puritans, aristocracy, # 8211 ; supported the Parliament. 52. What do you cognize about Inigo Jones? A British designer, who was the spouse of Charles I ( who was the frequenter of humanistic disciplines ) . Designed many of import edifices, clairvoyance. in London. He was the first individual to present the Italian Palladian manner. Besides designed scenery for the theater. 53. Why are the events of 1642 1649 sometimes referred to as the Puritan revolution? What were its consequences? Because the Parliament consisted chiefly of Puritans. They criticized the C of E, were persecuted for this, they wanted to acquire rid of all remains of Catholicism. Results # 8211 ; extreme Puritans did off with the C of E and set new political system, the Republic. 54. What period in English history do we name the Protectorate? The period after Oliver Cromwell dissolved the Parliament and proclaimed the Protectorate, presuming the rubric of Lord-Protector. 5 old ages ( 1653-1658 ) . Then his boy Richard, boulder clay 1659. 55. When and between what states was the War for the Spanish Succession fought? What were its consequences? In 1701-1713, England ( + Holland ) , France and Spain # 8211 ; for the Spanish throne after the Spanish King # 8217 ; decease. England won, got Minorca, Gibraltar, Newfoundland. Gallic enlargement stopped. 56. Why are the events of 1689 called either the Glorious or the Unexpected revolution? What were the effects? James II conflicted with the Parliament, the 2 parties decided to take James and ask for his girl with her hubby William of Orange. James fled to France, people didn # 8217 ; t object. No blood, no resistance, no conflicts. Absolutism in England came to its terminal, England became limited monarchy. 57. What does the term Restoration base for? No parliament, no stableness, and at last the monarchists invited Charles II ( Charles I # 8217 ; s boy ) to go the King in 1660. 58. What function did the Duke and Duchess of Marlborough drama in English history? John Churchill for his triumphs in the War for the Spanish Succession ( the conflict of Blenheim ) got the rubric of Duke of Marlborough, was granted the land. His married woman Sarah Jennings was the Queen # 8217 ; s front-runner. 59. Who are the Dissenters? Members of one of the Protestant groups that separated from the C of E, refused to accept the philosophy of the established church. 60. When did the party system emerge? What were the first parties, how did the system alteration with old ages? 1670 # 8217 ; s. foremost there were two parties # 8211 ; Tory ( tribunal party that supported the King ) and Whigs ( who supported the Parliament # 8211 ; state / aristocracy, wanted reforms ) . 61. When did the King go king-in-Parliament? What did it intend? 1694, William of Orange, III. He ruled under certain conditions: accepted the Bill of Rights ( no standing ground forces, no Torahs without parliament # 8217 ; s consent ) , the Act of Settlement ( no Catholic win ) . Didn # 8217 ; t regulation on his ain, but a portion of the Parliament. 62. When was the Civil List foremost introduced? In William of Orange # 8217 ; s reign, 1698. The Parliament started giving money for maintaining king # 8217 ; s family, so that he couldn # 8217 ; t fade out it. 63. Who are the Hanovers? After the Queen Ann # 8217 ; s decease there was a alteration of dynasty, because she didn # 8217 ; Ts have kids. George I was from German, but James I # 8217 ; s remote comparative. 64. How and when did the office of the Prime Minister arise? What did the office imply? Who was the first PM? 1720 # 8217 ; s. The first PM was Robert Walpole, he became the King # 8217 ; s representative in the HC. 65. What were the chief periods of the reign of George III? The first period 1760-1789, believed in an absolute monarchy, was an idealistic politician. When the settlements in America got independency, the Whigs returned to power. Besides after the Gallic Revolution, England felt that it was a great menace. After the War with Napoleon, the triumph, he got national regard. The monarchy began to alter. 66. Who are the Black Prince, Bonnie Prince Charlie and the Prince of Wales? The Black Prince was the Prince of Wales, during the Hundred Years War he defeated the Gallic. Bonnie Prince Charlie # 8211 ; the grandson of James II, believed to hold the right to be the king alternatively of George II. The Prince of Wales is the eldest boy of the King / Queen, started when Wales joined England in Edward I # 8216 ; s reign. 67. What period is called the regulation of the elite ? How did the political system work? When and why did it stop? The period of Whigs # 8217 ; opinion, during the reign of George I and II, the state was efficaciously controlled by the curates ( Robert Walpole # 8211 ; the caput ) . It ended with the accession of George III ( who was brought up in England ) ; he subjugated the Parliament. 68. What event is called the Boston Tea Party ? A protest in Boston in 1773 against the British revenue enhancement on tea, when tea was thrown from the ship into the H2O in the Boston Harbour. This is considered to be the event that started the American Revolutionary War. 69. What period is referred to as Regency? Why was it necessary? The period 1811-1820 when the state was ruled by the Prince Regent ( George IV ) , because the King himself was mentally sick. 70. When was the first British Empire created? When did it stop? Created after the triumph in the War for the Spanish Succession. It ended in 1783 when the settlements in America became independent. 71. Who is William Pitt the Younger? What function did he play? He was the caput of the fraction of the Whig Party, George III preferred him, became the PM # 8211 ; great stableness, support of both King and the Parliament. 72. Who were the heroes of the wars against Napoleon? Horatio Nelson defeated Napoleon several times, the conflict of Trafalgar, he was fatally wounded ; Duke of Wellington, defeated Napoleon in the conflict of Waterloo in 1815. 73. How did the look to run into one s Waterloo originate? Bonaparte was eventually defeated in the conflict of Waterloo in 1815. 74. The alterations in the nature of monarchy and the opinion elite in the early nineteenth century. The Monarchy became the symbol of the state # 8217 ; s integrity. After the war with Napoleon. Great proud. The governing elect underwent great alteration. Peoples meriting regard # 8211 ; non merely birth and belongings, but industry and morality. A position that wealth and rank meant responsibility, private morality. Political power based on birth and belongings. 75. What is the Great Reform Bill? Why was it necessary and what were its chief commissariats? It was a measure which gave a vote right to more societal groups and large metropoliss were now represented in the Parliament. Necessary # 8211 ; because industrial metropoliss emerged and they had no representatives. 76. What were the chief characteristics of Victorian society and authorities? The state was efficaciously ruled by the PMs, who were elected from the party that got the bulk in the Parliament. 2ndReform Bill in 1867 ( blue regulation declined ) , electorate doubled, secret ballot introduced. Society: category division formed but no confrontation. Fiscal independency, reputability, philanthropic gift, difficult work, seriousness. Police force created, public wellness, instruction for the lower categories. Free unregulated market. 77. The extension of franchise after the Great Reform Act of 1832, its effects. Every 5threceived a ballot. Redistribution of seats. Now large metropoliss were represented, belongings making for campaigners. Social effect # 8211 ; tied the in-between category to the blue bloods. 78. What was the function of Prince Albert in British history? He was the Prince-Consort, was non fit for concern, but had good influence on the immature queen. He was interested in humanistic disciplines, music, scientific discipline and industry, planned and organized the Great Exhibition in 1851. Many edifices are named after him. 79. What were the two chief parties in the Victorian age and who were their most outstanding leaders? Tory # 8211 ; gt ; Conservatives ( Disraeli ) , Whigs # 8211 ; gt ; Liberal ( Gladstone ) . They alternated. 80. When did authorities societal policy originate? What countries did it cover? Social reforms in Victorian reign # 8211 ; public wellness, instruction for all kids, province undertook the responsibility to supply schools, school attending became mandatory, simple instruction free. 81. What is the Boer War? The war in South Africa against 2 Boer democracies ( Transvaal and Orange Free State ) , made them a portion of the British Empire. Huge loss of life, Britain became unpopular in Europe. 82. What period do we name Edwardian? What were its typical characteristics? The reign of Edward VII. Society became cosmopolitan, new wealth was added to the old wealth of great landowning households ( from Victorian clip ) . Appearance of the Labour Party, societal reforms. Crisis, suffragette motion. Poverty and unemployment. Irish inquiry. 83. What do you cognize about the People s Budget? Was introduced by David Lloyd George. It was designed to pay the costs of societal public assistance and naval rearmament. But the Lords rejected the undertaking in 1909. 84. What were the effects of WWI on British society? Had really of import effects, affected everyone, traumatized the whole coevals, nil was the same after it. It had provided the juncture for monolithic governmental experiments in economic endeavor, in insurance. It was the urge for societal and economical alteration. Rising unemployment. Rise of Labour Party and diminution of Liberals. Very extended plan of societal reforms # 8211 ; Liberals failed to react. 85. The rise and autumn of the Second British Empire. 1850 the 2nd British Empire, India added, exceeded the 1st. During the period from 1940 to 1980 old ages more than 40 British settlements became independent. Remained friendly with Britain, most of them # 8211 ; gt ; the Commonwealth. 86. When did authorities economic policy Begin? After the WWI, the Government started supporting the place market by presenting protectionist duties. 87. When did the Labour party emerge? How did it later alter the party system? The alterations in the Labour programme at the terminal of the twentieth century, their chief cause. Emerged in 1906. In 1920 # 8217 ; s rose and replaced the Liberal Party. Was traditionally the socialist party, but in 1980-90 # 8217 ; s changed and travel towards the political centre ( New Labour ) . 88. What were the chief effects of WWII? The economic system declined, there was nil to export, no money for import. Britain was efficaciously a totalitarian province, the Government had limitless power, rationing introduced, luxuries had 100 % revenue enhancement on them, everyone of contending age was conscripted, retainers disappeared. Defeat of Conservatives and triumph of the Labour Party. 89. What function did Mrs. Simpson, a divorced American, drama in English history? Wallis Simpson, had a relationship with Edward VIII. Because she had already been married twice earlier, Edward was non allowed to get married her. Then he decided to renounce, she became the Duchess of Windsor. 90. What is a Welfare province? When was it created? What does the term Welfare mean today? State with a system of societal aid provided by the province, giving money to people who are hapless or unemployed, supplying medical attention. 1945-51. The section of societal security. 91. What is meant by the epoch of consensus ? 92. What is Affluent Society? Affluent society, which was created by enlargement of the in-between category. In 1990 # 8217 ; s the society was defined by a prosperity that involved the bulk of people. 93. What events are sometimes referred to as The Winter of Discontent ? The winter of 1978-79 when many workers refused to work in protest against the Labour authorities # 8217 ; s thought on restricting wage rises. The Labour party lost power after this. 94. What events are called The Battle of Britain ? The battles between German and Britain aircraft during the summer and fall of 1940, when British aircraft tried to forestall German aircraft from bombing British metropoliss. The bombardment was stopped at the terminal of 1940 and it was considered as a great triumph. Main consequence # 8211 ; prevented from invasion. 95. Why was Thatcher s period in office called a revolution? What did she intend when she proclaimed a return to Victorian values? Changed a batch, reduced revenue enhancements, took away power from trade brotherhoods, started the programme of denationalization, and created immense in-between category. Free market. Everybody should work hard, be earnest, thrifty, and independent.
Friday, September 27, 2019
APEC impact on China's economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
APEC impact on China's economy - Essay Example ipation in APEC meetings, China wants to demonstrate its desire for maintaining the regional economic stability that can bring prosperity to the member countries of Asia Pacific region. The resistance to the temptation of Yuan devaluation and announcement of tariff rates reduction by Chinese government at a meeting of APEC in Osaka has confirmed this. Through this action, China perceives the opportunity to deal with United States by joining hands with East Asian countries, which are also members of APEC.(Yang & Huang 70) As APEC was the first international economic conference to member nations, under the Chinese leadership of president Xi Jinping, China has used this platform in an efficient manner, in the direction of seeking bigger economic role, globally. This combined with the fact that Chinese economy is the world second largest gives the required advantage to China for countering US economic domination. In this direction, China has announced the established of US Dollar forty million fund for improving the trade and economic links among Asia-Pacific countries. The emerging image of China being the top trading partner of South Asian countries from South Korea to Australia would definitely help in the erosion of American influence on these countries. (McDonald & Lee) Earlier APEC could not prove to be result-oriented for the members, as it failed to improve the economic relations among the Asia-Pacific nations in a substantial manner. However, when China hosted the APEC conference, it made clear to the member nations that the country was prepared to share the fruits of its economic development with neighbors in the region. For ensuring that APEC remained a successful platform to deliver the results. China made many announcements, which include the commitment from China to donate ten million US Dollars towards supporting the capacity building and institutional activities of APEC, apart from establishment of Silk Road fund for undertaking the infrastructure
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Research Paper proposal & annotated bibliography
Paper & annotated bibliography - Research Proposal Example I will carry out extensive literary analysis in order to discover the ideas that various authors front in their own discourses. Numerous authors and researchers have investigated the cultural manifestation and impacts of the war in the American society. I will therefore investigate and use three of the most cited works thereby drawing conclusion based on their ideologies of the authors. The three books include In discussing the history of the Vietnam War, Anderson explains the influence that such effects had on the American culture. The author explains the extensive use of radio among other media in enhancing the spread of the culture both in the United States and throughout the world. According to the book, the war led to systematic change of culture as captured by various media. The author draws his references from poetry, films, memoirs and journalism among others at the time. He explains that the works often conveyed three unique thematic features including home, wound and the voice. The three were significant in constructing the post war culture. American became increasingly patriotic with a heightening desire to protect their rights while developing comfortable, safe and secure homes for themselves. This validates the flamboyant experienced at the time as the society became conscious of the effects of war. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the cultural effects of the war and is therefore a vital resource in my research. Just as the title suggests, the encyclopedia provides an in-depth analysis of the cultural effects of the Vietnam War in the United States. As such, the encyclopedia is a phenomenal piece that discusses the importance of the war not only to the American culture but to the global culture as well. The authors assert that the United States is a major economy, one that influences the cultural developments globally. As such, the country enhanced the
Franklin Delano Roosevelt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2
Franklin Delano Roosevelt - Essay Example There were also looming strikes from small business owners and farmers (Polenberg 113). He possessed exceptional political tactics as this is proven the the fact he was reelected in office for a record four times (PBS). His victories in politics were based on his abilities to relate to the needs of people as well as global requirements. As he campaigned, he knew the deficiency’s citizens were experiencing and he created speeches and promises aimed at addressing these needs. Additionally, he adapted a campaign song that became popular political rhythm in the United States. Happy Days Are Here Again was a signature FDR political song (PBS). FDR had an objective of ensuring that the economy of the United States is revived. For this to be possible,he realized the need to change the way in which created laws (Brinkley 42). For instance, he created laws that increased the employment of women in government positions and offices as well as the military (Polenberg 95). In addition, the new employment laws led to the decrease of unemployment rates to 2%. FDR also created laws that governed the conduct of Wall Street, banks and the transport system (Brinkley 36). This greatly changed the United States economy as people became more productive. Other major creations by the congress under his leadership were the Social Security and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. In addition, he encouragedthe growth of liberty (Polenberg 116). His approach to foreign affairs was also exceptional. At the time he was elected, the globe was at brink of warfare that threatened global peace. In Europe, Nazis Germans dominated as they denied the prevalence of democracy (Brinkley 84). China was also faced with invasion threats from Japanese. The United States shared great relationships with China as well as the United Kingdoms. FDR collaborated with Scotland, Wales and Great Britain to end the dominance of Nazis in Europe. FDR also
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation - Essay Example The decision of â€Å"do not resuscitate†is made by the patient if he is functionally able to convey it. If otherwise, the family members may have to make the decision when it is called surrogate decision (Torke, 2011). The subject has been the topic of discussion along with other end-of-life decisions due to the ethical and legal bearings (Sham et al, 2007). The decisions on the withholding of the treatment for the sustenance of life would be relaying the message that the patient accepts the progression of the disease and that he trusts the healing physician. There will be an underlying desire to reduce the burden on others. The wish to live and die naturally could also be influencing his decision (Sham et al, 2007). Research has elicited various factors influencing the doctors when the DNR (do not resuscitate) orders are made. These are based on the themes of a probability of survival, the desire of the patient, the quality of life prior to present illness and the quality e xpected after it (Sham et al, 2007). Federal and State policies in the US advice advance care planning where the patient may be encouraged to make his decision for other end-of-life decisions but DNR has been excluded (Sham et al, 2007). The BBC News has reported that the British Medical Association and the Royal College of Nursing in the UK have issued guidelines which indicated that the DNR orders could be issued only in consultation with the patients and families (BBC Ethics Guide, 2011). In Australia, the not-for-resuscitation (NFR) orders formed part of the medical practice but policies have still not yet provided a fool-proof method of implementation (Sidhu et al, 2007). Researchers indicate that current policies showroom for improvement: there are no standardised forms or patient information leaflets (Sidhu et al, 2007). A clinical audit had been conducted by Salins and Jansen as a retrospective study to determine the accuracy of documentation of NFR orders in patients who had died at the Lyell McEwin Hospital (2011).  This hospital was part of a teaching hospital in South Australia in 2007. Eighty-eight files could be accessed for information.Â
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
The Economic Environment of Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words
The Economic Environment of Business - Essay Example This paper aims at indentifying the structure in which Ryanair operates while addressing how it has adopted its market strategies to gain entry into new markets. Also the regulatory issues that it has had in regards to the existing market will be discussed. Lastly, the paper will consider the directions it is taking in terms of international expansion, capital acquisition and challenges faced. In order to understanding the airline industry it is important to understand the customers first. The airlines on the other hand are customers to airline manufacturers like Boeing and Airbus (Palmer & Ponsonby 2002). The governments and the global economic structure are the other factors that highly affect the airline business. It is important to appreciate however that despite the industry having many players and obstacles, it is ever growing in terms of companies expanding while others coming up. The airline business has enhanced international trade and investment for many years thereby taking a huge stake in encouraging globalization (Gregory & Marilyn 2004). This means that many other industries in the global economy highly depend on it. The airline industry has been on a steady growth of about 7% for the past decade in respect to expansion moves but not necessarily profitability. However, business and tourism travel hugely increased over the same period owing to the increased l iberalization of the world trade (Nigel et al. 2003). The European tourism market is shifting to Eastern Europe to destinations that were not considered for tourism there before. The IATA predicts that the airline business will grow tremendously by about 5% to 8% in the coming decade having grown at a rate of 5% this past one (Miriam 2010). However, the same body predicts that the industry will generally grow at a lower pace in America and Europe. The basic reason behind this arises from the fact that these respective industries are already fully developed.
Monday, September 23, 2019
Company Law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words - 3
Company Law - Essay Example 1 Alistair Darling, Secretary of State of the Department of Trade and Industry said that while most of the provisions of the Companies Act 2006 will be in force by October next year the entire Act will be in force by October of 2007.2 While the Companies Bill 2006 introduces some new aspects to company law, it might have left the regulations of directors’ duty up to judicial interpretation and company law. The general impression is that the 2006 Bill does nothing much to improve on the director’s duties as enunciated under the provisions of the Companies Act 1985. 3- The Companies Bill 2006 tightens the Directors’ duties in respect of due diligence by broadening the rights of shareholders to ‘sue directors for negligence and other defaults and rights to bring derivative claims on behalf of the company in certain circumstances.’3 Under the provisions of the Companies Act 1985, together with principles of Common Law and Equity, directors have a fiduciary relationship with the company they serve. In their capacity as fiduciaries, directors have three primary duties in respect of the management of the company’s affairs. They are: In Re City Fire Equitable Insurance Co., Romer J added that in the course of exercising his duties as a director, the director was subject to a certain standard in law. That standard he went on to explain was the reasonable skill and care that was generally expected of a business man possessing the relevant skills and training.5 Moreover the common trend in the application of Common Law and Equitable principles was to impose the duty on the directors’ in respect of the company itself rather than in respect individual shareholders. In fact Section 309 of the Companies Act 1985 codified this proviso by requiring that directors owe a duty of care to act in the best interests of both the members and the employees of the company.6 Although this duty necessarily
Sunday, September 22, 2019
We Are the World Essay Example for Free
We Are the World Essay In his extended metaphor, â€Å"The Allegory of the Cave,†Plato describes a conversation between his brother, Glaucon, and Socrates about the difficulty of understanding reality. Behind these prisoners are puppeteers who hold a puppet-show using the shadows of the fire behind them. The prisoners can only see the shadows casted by the puppeteers and they can only hear the sound of echoes from behind. For their whole lives, they are only accustomed to see these shadows in the shape of fake objects such as trees and animals. One of the prisoners is released from the chain and he experiences a whole new world that he has never encountered before. What he had thought was a tree was no longer the same tree that he had known before.There, he is exposed to sunlight and reality hits him. In this allegory, the prisoners represent people in society. This inlalcludes all people, no malaatter what race they are, what social class they are in, and also what gender they are. We are locked in the cave and we are the ones who can only see what is shown on the wall, unless we open the the our eyes to new experiences. Similarly to prisoner that was blinded the the by the strong light outside, we also need to challenge ourselves to new ideas and maybe be blinded by the light to see a new view In Abercrombie’s words, the man only had the schema of what was shown on the cave wall, which caused him to have a very limited storehouse of knowledge.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Dancing And Keeping A Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Essay
Dancing And Keeping A Healthy Lifestyle Physical Education Essay Dance is another form of exercising which require you to use most of your body muscle. Dancing has come around for along time. Dancing is a part of ancient ritual and is pair with music. People dancing with music, without music dancing is not complete. In Egypt, dancing before god is a vital elements in the temple ritual. Beside for ritual, dance is another form of entertainments for this people even in other countries. Dancing is a type of exercise and therefore dancing has huge benefits to the person who practice it regularly. Certain people think that exercise look boring, but not dancing. Because dancing is play with music, therefore people who dancing will having fun and at the same time can perform an exercise. When we perform dance, we doest not require any equipments as there is no suitable exercise machine for dancing. All you need is music to play along. With dancing, you can perfume it anywhere you want especially at home. By dance, you can stretch your body part and with dance, you can get the body shape that you always wanted and dancing also can reduce stress. With dancing, you can built up you stamina and also endurance, because dancing consists of many style of movements that for sure will build up your stamina. Dancing require balance, by dancing you can gain a better balance. Dancing is about having fun and at the same time staying active. By practicing dancing, you can look younger then your age by slowing down the aging process. It a fact that by practicing dance, the muscle exertion and breathing rates in just one dance is similar to those who practice cycling, swimming and Olympic 800 meter runner. People who practice dancing seldom having problems with joints and bones because dancing helps strengthen bones and dance also helps in treatments of osteoporosis, which is a major concern for female. Arthritis can be preventing by dancing, by make the joints lubricated. People who having problems with their weight can practice dancing as dancing can burn more calories and increase the circulation of blood. Dancing can burn 5 to 10 calories per minutes as estimated. Ballroom, Latin, Mambo and Salsa dancer can burn 264 calories per hour base on 100 lb. Fast, Ballet, and Twist dancer could burn 288 calories per hour base on 100 lb. Slow, Waltz, Foxtrot dancer could burn up to 144 calories per hour base on 100 lb. people wi th diabetics can lower the sugar lever by practicing dance and dance is also good for lipid control which raises the HDL (good cholesterol) and lower the LDL (bad cholesterol). Dancing can help improve memory by memories each and every steps that has in each dances. People that practice dance will feel happy and less stress. Dancing can enhance heart and lungs condition, increased muscular strength, endurance and motor fitness. People with weigh problem will see the different in their weight after awhile of practicing dancing, agility and flexibility will be increased. By dance, a person can improve their social skills by dance in a group of people with different ages, genders and status. Dancing for female can increase her muscle tone and coordination and ità ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s perfect for toning without building up muscle tone. Beside benefits the body, dancing also built up the person confidence and the self-esteem and by dancing, the person could boost up their confidences. Dancing also improve a person mood by produce more endorphins or also known as feel good chemicals. Dancing has many types and style, dancing is different in style for different culture, society and music. Some of the famous dance is Hip Hop, Belly dance, Salsa dance, Ballroom dance, Tap dance, Bhangra dance, Break dance, Line dance, Jazz dance, Ballet dance, Modern dance, Swing dance, Contra dance, Country and Western Dance. Bhangra dance originate from India. This Bhangra dance is actually a euphoric harvest dance from Punjab. Bhangra dance will be practice with energetic singing and drum beating. Stomping feet, shoulder-shrugging, hand-clapping, swinging arms are the traditional Bhangra dance that now has been modernized. The modern Bhangra dance has been included with aerobic moves, hip hop and salsa. Bhangra aerobic dance is another form of exercise that can help in maintaining our body. Bhangra dance involve continuous and rhythmic body movements that can raise the heart rate and also strengthen the lungs. Major muscle in the body will be work out when perform Bhangra dance. Bhangra dance is good in circulating blood full of oxygen to other part of the body and remove carbon dioxide, as well as other wastes. When perform Bhangra dance, the person will be dancing with the music and the person require more oxygen in the body, this is where the heart rate increase to keep up with the tempo. When done B hangra dance regularly, the heart will grow stronger and can keep up with muscles demand with only a little effort. Diseases such as hypertension, stroke, and heart disease can be avoided, plus Bhangra dance can lower the blood pressure and helps maintain weights by burn 500 calories in 45 minutes. Hip hop dance is one of the modern dance that can express the dancer creativeness; people who perform Hip hop will build self impressions. Hip hop music will be play to match with the body movements of the dancer. Hip hop consist of breaking, popping, and also rotations in the movements which is combined into one unique, creative dance style. Hip hop dance improve the person flexibility, develop body balance and also to coordinate the muscles to improve their style and maintain their body shape. Hip hop is different with Jazz, Ballet, or any other traditional dance which is technical and has a term for each movement. Hip hop has more freedom in dancing. Dance aerobic is an exercise that combines the elegant dance movements with aerobic rhythmic steps. Dance aerobic can be divided into four types which are high-impact exercises, low-impact exercises, step aerobic and lastly are water aerobics. High impact exercises involve powerful jumping actions that are matched with the rhythmic beats of the music being played. Low impact exercise involves more footwork and less jumping action. Step aerobic is perform in a raised platform and water aerobic is done in waist-deep water. Dance aerobic help in weight managements as well as builds your body, and help in cardiovascular muscle. Dance aerobic is a good medicine for depression, anxiety and also tension, while reducing the stress. Dance aerobics is a good exercise to boost up your immune system. Salsa dance can burn more calories per hour than riding a bike or swimming. Salsa dance is a very unique form of exercise. Salsa dance give a healthy heart by relieves stress, remove toxins via sweating and can lower the blood pressure and improve cholesterol level. Belly dancing, also known as Raks Sharki or Middle Eastern dance. The attractive hip drops, rolls, and pivots of Belly dance make use of muscle group in the abdomen, pelvis, trunk, spine, and also neck to operate with the body instead of against it. When a Belly dancer perform the dance, she will use her quadriceps, hamstrings and also glute just to hold her steady while she perform hip movements. The impact on her knees and ankles are at a minimal even when she gets a lower-body workout because the impact is on how much stress is placed on our joint and not how hard the feet strike the ground. Torso will be use more often in Belly dance compare toward Ballet, Modern, or Tap dance. This movement working together with shoulder movement will exercise the back muscle evenly. A strong back muscles can prevents back injuries and also promote good posture. Belly dance can ease the stress to the back; neutralize almost constant compression of the disks that occurs from sitting and an inacti ve lifestyle. Belly dance is an excellent prenatal exercise that strengthens the muscles used during childbirth process. Ballroom dance improve cardiovascular system, increase in muscle tone. Ballroom dance also increases flexibility, strength, and balance. Ballroom dance also make the dancer more self-confidence and can express them self in dancing. Ballet dance is one of the hardest dance and wonderful form of art. Ballet involve a lot of various stretching and with regular stretching, the neck, back, arms, and legs will be very flexible and you can do things you never know you can do. Ballet also strengthens up your muscle. Ballet teaches the dancer how to balance him or herself. Ballet dance can restore the balance and body awareness that lost due to stress by doing lifting, twirling, leaping, and spinning style. Ballet dance also release endorphins into the brain and this is the time where dancer empty their mind and just relax and enjoy the music and movements. When you learn Ballet dance, he or her confidence level will increase by learn and master various Ballet dance moves. Ballet dance also improve memory by remembering each and every steps in Ballet dance. Dancing can burn calories but how much it burns depend on what kind of dance. Base on 150 pound person per hour calories burn: Swing dance burn 235 calories per hour, Ballroom dance burn 265 per hour, Square dance burn 280 calories per hour, Ballet dance burn 300 calories per hour, Belly dance burn 380 calories per hour, Salsa dance burn 420+ calories per hour, Aerobic dance burn 540+ calories per hour. Dance is a unique way of exercise because it provides the heart- healthy benefits of an exercise while engage in a social activity. A 21-year study published in New England Journal of Medicine even found that by dance, the risk of getting Alzheimerà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ã‚ ¢s disease and other forms of disease. Dancing was the only physical activity that was associated with lower risk of dementia. Dancing may be a triple benefit for the brain, not only dancing increase the flow of the blood to the brain but also social aspect that leads to less stress, depression and loneliness . In additional, dancing required memorizing steps and working with a partner, in a way that both provide mental challenges that are crucial to the brain health. Sarah Snyder. (Jan 25, 2010). The Health Benefits of Ballet Dancing. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from The Health Benefits of Ballet. (n.d). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Barbara Craddock. (2006, Dec 04). Benefits of Dancing Quick Tips for Staying Healthy. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Hanu Nirukurti. (n.d). Bhangra Fitness: The Workout That Jives. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Caitlin Bronza. (2006, Nov 14). The Physical and Social Benefits of Belly Dancing. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Health benefits of Belly Dance. (n.d). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from The Amazing Benefits of Salsa Dancing. (2008). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Sheri Waldrop. (n.d). The Health Benefits of Belly Dancing. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Angelique. (n.d). The Health of belly Dancing. Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Dance Aerobics. (n.d). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Benefits of Ballroom Dancing. (July 2007). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from Benefits of Dance. (n.d). Retrieved November 9, 2010, from
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