Saturday, August 31, 2019
If u forget me †Pablo Neruda Essay
â€Å"If you forget me†is one of the most famous poems by Pablo Neruda. Despite it was written around a century ago, the poem is still very popular nowadays. As love is a never ending topic, â€Å"If you forget me†with the main themes of passionate love and sacrifaction has become a living moral for many people. The sentimental sonnet is the confession of a man to his lover, saying how much he loves her and willing to sacrifice for her. The poem opens with a very short stanza of two lines. The use of punctuation immediately creates a dearing atmosphere and brings the audience closer to the speaker. A list of evocative objects follows in the second stanza. â€Å"Silver moon†, â€Å"red branch†, â€Å"slow autumn†bring up a sense of peace and calm. â€Å"Fire†, â€Å"impalpable ash†, â€Å"wrinkle log†evoke something passionate and strong, yet soft and tender. All of them remind the speaker of his love, all of them just to show how much he loves her: â€Å"As if everything that exists/ Aromas, light, metal/ Were little boats/ That sail/ Toward those isles of yours that wait for me†. Pablo uses metaphor to describe his lover. She is referred to as â€Å"isles†that are waiting for him. He hopes that she loves him just as he does and will always be there for him. Describing the speaker’s feelings as â€Å"little boats†that are floating toward her isles, Pabblo has created a beautiful and unique imagery. The rhyme of the poem suddenly changes at the beginning of the third stanza, creates a swift in tone of the speaker. â€Å"If†is repeated at the beginning of the next three stanzas, followed by presuppositions about his girlfriend not loving him anymore, then his reaction will be definitive. If she stops loving him, he will do the same. If she forgets him, he will forget her first. If she leaves him, he will has left already. It might sound apathetic at first, but decoding the use of metaphor in the sixth stanza reveils how much his love is for her, underlying within his bitter tone. He himself is described as a tree. In the heart are his roots. All the love will go there and he is living from it and because of it. Without this love he wouldn’t be himself. The last metaphor is that he is describing other girls, potential girlfriends, as another land. He will seek there if his present girlfriend will forget him. this is significant because the hardest thing to do is to let the person you love go and face the truth. The speaker, promising himself to move on, has shown that his love for her is stronger than any spoken words. The last stanza is probably the most important one, where his deepfelt sentiment is shown clearest. Very short lines are put at the beginning of the stanza. Punctuation once again has immediate impacts on the tone and mood. Despite his lover’s betrayal, at any moment if she changes her mind, he will always be willing to take her back again, as if they have never been detached. Determination is expressed by the quick pace, whereas love and caring is shown in longer lines. Pablo Neruda has composed a stunning piece of his most sincere confessions. A variety of language techniques is used throughout the poem. Imagery, connotation and metaphor are the key devices that contribute to the success of â€Å"If you forget me†. The poem leaves the audience a lingering feeling after they have long finished reading it.
Project/Portfolio Fact Pattern Handout
Facts – Little Louie 1. Unemployed 2. Dates Wild Wanda 3. Plans to rob a bank with Billy Bad Boy and Vinnie Bagadonuts. 4. Knows a gun collector named Smith 5. Breaks into Smith’s house 6. Breaks into the gun locker and steals couple of handguns, sawed-off shotgun, and automatic weapons. 7. Robs the bank 8. In a shootout with the armed guard a bank teller and police officer is shot. 9. Runs from the police officers. 10. Breaks into Smokey’s house. Little Louie 1. Conspiracy    Title 18, Part 1, Ch, 19,  §Ã‚ 371 2. Burglary – break an entering      ORC, Title29, Ch 2911,  § 2911. 2   a) Breaking glass window into Smiths house 3. Second count of burglary – guns       ORC, Title29, Ch 2911,  § 2911. 12   a) Breaking into the gun case b) Saw off shotgun c) Several hand guns d) Automatic weapons 4. Robbery – bank   Title18, Part 1, Ch 103,  § 2113 5. Murder of police officer   Title18, Part 1, Ch 51,  § 1114 6. Murder of a bank teller   Title 18, Part 1, Ch 51,  § 1111 7. Fleeing and eluding police officer        ORC, Title 29, Ch 2921,  § 2921. 331 Offense Charge with & Defense possibly for Little LouieLittle Louie is charged with conspiracy because he had talked planned with Billy Bad Boy and Vince Bagadonuts. Little Louie is charged with two counts of 5th degree felony burglary for in the Smith’s home and take his guns. Little Louie is charge with two counts of 1st degree felony Aggavated Murder one of a police officer and the other is the bank teller. Little Louie is charged with one count of fleeing and eluding of a police officer. Little Louie claims that Vinnie Bagadonuts was the one that shot the officer and bank teller and that also he was the one that broke into the house, and that  along with him.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Personal Finance Management
Personal Finance Management Personal finance management is a topic that very few actually understand. There were no finance classes given when I was coming Into adulthood. So I had no understanding of credit scores, credit reports, and credit cards. Nor did I have a clue about interest rates and what it meant to have good credit. I was in the dark about finance period. Over the years, I have learned about debt, bad credit, and collections. These are things that I came to learn very well and struggled with not knowing how to fix these issues.I did not know the importance of making credit card payments or any type of payments on time. At the start of this course I was $89,000 In debt. I could not get a line of credit or approved for an apartment with that much debt listed on my credit report. I was literally In financial ruins and had no clue how to get out of it. I signed up for debt relief programs and I ended up owing money and still had no debt relief. So I decided to contact an at torney and we discussed different forms of debt relief programs and bankruptcy.Although bankruptcy is a last resort method that was the best choice for my current situation. I am newly divorced and I had shared debt from my past marriage, doctor ills, credit card bills, student loans, and Just a wide range of miscellaneous debts. The choice to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy was my only option. I was able to keep my possessions and all of my debt was discharged with the exception of my student loans. Now I am in the process of rebuilding my credit and this course came at the most perfect time of my life.I have learned so much from this course pertaining to finance that I can use on my journey In rebuilding my credit and making a healthier financial situation for myself. I learned the difference between open and close ended credit and how It works. Mortgage loans and automobile loans are examples of closed-end credit. An agreement, or contract, lists the repayment terms, such as the numb er of payments, the payment amount, and how much the credit will cost.Charge cards and bank cards are examples of open-end credit and unless you pay off the debt in full each month, you will often have to pay a high-rate of interest or other kinds of finance charges for the use of credit. I also learned about Investing Into stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, these are great ways to allow your money to grow and build interest. I had no understanding about investing money to make more money or saving for detriment. These are all things that I am interested in learning more about and incorporating these ideas in my financial plans for the future.I have learned more about filing bankruptcy and what to expect post-bankruptcy. I know that I have to wait two years to purchase a home and that is one of my desired goals. I will take the next two years and work on rebuilding my credit. Adapting a Flanagan plan would be a great start for me at this point. I have also decided to sign up with a pr ogram that keeps track of my credit report and that will allow me to know at all times what is going on with my credit.Rebuilding credit requires you to take out lines of credit and this step is where I could use the help in understanding what types of credit would be best for me. Being that my bankruptcy is fairly recent I was told to wait to apply course I knew barely anything about interest and what it does to money owed. You end up owing double if your payments are not paid on time or accounts are not paid in full and I understand that concept now but I was clearly in the dark when it came to understanding all of the different areas of finance and money management.Living outside of my means was the main reason I ended up in so much debt. So learning how to budget my earnings and making responsible decisions when spending is a way that I am learning to better my financial situation. Outside of information pertaining to credit, I have learned about different areas that are not wid ely spoken about such as taxes, life insurance, health insurance, 401 K, Medicare, and Medicaid. These all are different things that need to be understood during adulthood that I am Just now understand about.There are so many forms of health and life insurance that it makes it hard to fugue out which policy would work better for my family and l. There are government based insurance Lana, low income plans, and plans geared toward older adults. I have not carried insurance on myself or my children and I understand that there is a purpose in having such coverage. This class offered so much information about so many different things at the right time in my life. It has helped me to understand how important having a grasp on your financial situation is.There is more to Just getting a paycheck, cashing it, and spending it. There has to be a budget and a plan put in place. Making future plans is also a great decision. Knowing that you will have money for later expenses is always a great fe eling than living check to check. I have learned so many different strategies pertaining to managing my finances from this course. Regardless to being knowledgeable of personal finance or having very little understanding of the subject taking a course of this type will expose you to so much more than Just managing money.I learned about home loans, Aria's, taxes, credit and the different forms of it, living wills, investments, retirement plans, and so much more. I have learned to set up a financial and budgeting plan to maintain my finances on a month to month basis and long term. Having the opportunity to be a art of a finance course has opened my eyes to what I should be striving for financially. Although I still have questions regarding the different types of retirement plans, how exactly do home loans work and which one would be a better fit for me, which life insurance plans should I choose to go with, and where should I start if I wanted to invest.I still have a lot of financia l questions that I need answers to but I have gathered so much information from this class that will at least put me in the right direction for financial success. Even the thought of contacting a financial planner may be an excellent choice for me at this point. Being that I have all of this great information to incorporate into my life and I am starting over financially it might not be a bad idea. I do have a great deal of confidence that I will have financial success from this point forward. Eave ever been in and although I confided in an attorney and he helped me initially to get back on track, it was this finance management course that gave me the understanding that I needed to make good financial choices. I understand the importance making good financial choices and what the outcome can be whether it is good or bad. Unfortunately, I had to experience bad credit, collections, wage arrangements, court Judgments, and low credit scores because I did not have the information that I was given through this class back then. Personal Finance Management Personal Finance Management Personal finance management is a topic that very few actually understand. There were no finance classes given when I was coming Into adulthood. So I had no understanding of credit scores, credit reports, and credit cards. Nor did I have a clue about interest rates and what it meant to have good credit. I was in the dark about finance period. Over the years, I have learned about debt, bad credit, and collections. These are things that I came to learn very well and struggled with not knowing how to fix these issues.I did not know the importance of making credit card payments or any type of payments on time. At the start of this course I was $89,000 In debt. I could not get a line of credit or approved for an apartment with that much debt listed on my credit report. I was literally In financial ruins and had no clue how to get out of it. I signed up for debt relief programs and I ended up owing money and still had no debt relief. So I decided to contact an at torney and we discussed different forms of debt relief programs and bankruptcy.Although bankruptcy is a last resort method that was the best choice for my current situation. I am newly divorced and I had shared debt from my past marriage, doctor ills, credit card bills, student loans, and Just a wide range of miscellaneous debts. The choice to file a chapter 7 bankruptcy was my only option. I was able to keep my possessions and all of my debt was discharged with the exception of my student loans. Now I am in the process of rebuilding my credit and this course came at the most perfect time of my life.I have learned so much from this course pertaining to finance that I can use on my journey In rebuilding my credit and making a healthier financial situation for myself. I learned the difference between open and close ended credit and how It works. Mortgage loans and automobile loans are examples of closed-end credit. An agreement, or contract, lists the repayment terms, such as the numb er of payments, the payment amount, and how much the credit will cost.Charge cards and bank cards are examples of open-end credit and unless you pay off the debt in full each month, you will often have to pay a high-rate of interest or other kinds of finance charges for the use of credit. I also learned about Investing Into stocks, bonds, and mutual funds, these are great ways to allow your money to grow and build interest. I had no understanding about investing money to make more money or saving for detriment. These are all things that I am interested in learning more about and incorporating these ideas in my financial plans for the future.I have learned more about filing bankruptcy and what to expect post-bankruptcy. I know that I have to wait two years to purchase a home and that is one of my desired goals. I will take the next two years and work on rebuilding my credit. Adapting a Flanagan plan would be a great start for me at this point. I have also decided to sign up with a pr ogram that keeps track of my credit report and that will allow me to know at all times what is going on with my credit.Rebuilding credit requires you to take out lines of credit and this step is where I could use the help in understanding what types of credit would be best for me. Being that my bankruptcy is fairly recent I was told to wait to apply course I knew barely anything about interest and what it does to money owed. You end up owing double if your payments are not paid on time or accounts are not paid in full and I understand that concept now but I was clearly in the dark when it came to understanding all of the different areas of finance and money management.Living outside of my means was the main reason I ended up in so much debt. So learning how to budget my earnings and making responsible decisions when spending is a way that I am learning to better my financial situation. Outside of information pertaining to credit, I have learned about different areas that are not wid ely spoken about such as taxes, life insurance, health insurance, 401 K, Medicare, and Medicaid. These all are different things that need to be understood during adulthood that I am Just now understand about.There are so many forms of health and life insurance that it makes it hard to fugue out which policy would work better for my family and l. There are government based insurance Lana, low income plans, and plans geared toward older adults. I have not carried insurance on myself or my children and I understand that there is a purpose in having such coverage. This class offered so much information about so many different things at the right time in my life. It has helped me to understand how important having a grasp on your financial situation is.There is more to Just getting a paycheck, cashing it, and spending it. There has to be a budget and a plan put in place. Making future plans is also a great decision. Knowing that you will have money for later expenses is always a great fe eling than living check to check. I have learned so many different strategies pertaining to managing my finances from this course. Regardless to being knowledgeable of personal finance or having very little understanding of the subject taking a course of this type will expose you to so much more than Just managing money.I learned about home loans, Aria's, taxes, credit and the different forms of it, living wills, investments, retirement plans, and so much more. I have learned to set up a financial and budgeting plan to maintain my finances on a month to month basis and long term. Having the opportunity to be a art of a finance course has opened my eyes to what I should be striving for financially. Although I still have questions regarding the different types of retirement plans, how exactly do home loans work and which one would be a better fit for me, which life insurance plans should I choose to go with, and where should I start if I wanted to invest.I still have a lot of financia l questions that I need answers to but I have gathered so much information from this class that will at least put me in the right direction for financial success. Even the thought of contacting a financial planner may be an excellent choice for me at this point. Being that I have all of this great information to incorporate into my life and I am starting over financially it might not be a bad idea. I do have a great deal of confidence that I will have financial success from this point forward. Eave ever been in and although I confided in an attorney and he helped me initially to get back on track, it was this finance management course that gave me the understanding that I needed to make good financial choices. I understand the importance making good financial choices and what the outcome can be whether it is good or bad. Unfortunately, I had to experience bad credit, collections, wage arrangements, court Judgments, and low credit scores because I did not have the information that I was given through this class back then.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Gabriel of the Modern Wasteland in The Dead Essay
Gabriel of the Modern Wasteland in The Dead - Essay Example That is, ‘death’ of the good old civilization in the ‘life’ of spiritual, psychological, and moral decay of the present one which chiefly resembles the life of Gabriel Conroy whose insecure character is made to acquire possible resolve in self-discovery after learning about the untold past of his wife Gretta. Being an inhabitant of the wasteland, along with its circumstances of desolation or demise of fertile sensibility and wisdom, Gabriel portrays the idea of what Eliot claims in ‘The Waste Land’ on uttering â€Å"I could not Speak, and my eyes failed, I was neither Living nor dead, and I knew nothing, Looking into the heart of light, the silence.†Equivalently, when ‘The Dead’ shares in agreement stating that ‘Gabriel’s eyes, irritated by the floor which glittered with beeswax’, altogether it becomes representative of the citizens of Dublin who, due to gradual corruption of scrupulous ways of living, have unconsciously neglected the use of indispensable senses other than that of sight. With the figurative lack of these other senses Gabriel, like the rest of the Dubliners at the time, relies upon the ‘eye’ alone for understanding and judgment of matters. During the annual dance and dinner party of the Morkan sisters, probably held in the Feast of the Epiphany, Gabriel enters a scene that all the more underscores his personal conflicts through sick humors thrown at him and his attempt to compensate for the awkwardness of the situation. In his scheming endeavor to drive discomfort away, Gabriel makes fun of Lily, the maid who takes offense on his inquisition regarding her love life prospects, and resumes talk with colleague and dancing partner Molly Ivors in order to express his acclaim for Irish virtues and pride toward conventions. Instead of healthy consequences, however, Conroy happens to have overly addressed idealism in a fashion that appears unnecessarily cunning and deprived of real nationalistic sense and familiarity, prompting Ivors to walk out of the picture. These instances readily justify an inference that even on trying to cope with his struggles forward as such, the amount of pretentions attached to Gabriel’s cha racter at this stage can never attain for him genuine triumph over the losses incurred by the former acts. The resulting absence of mutual respect, no matter how unintentional, attests to the major deficiency of Conroy as he fails to convey the truth in himself and observe the appropriate mode of communication. Not only does such crises render close relations accumulate risks but unknowing Gretta’s life prior to their union also implies a profound effect of failure in communication. When he is about to leave the party, Gabriel finds his wife in a seemingly nostalgic look or state of trance which he mistakes for a romantic lure. Later moments of intimate conversation reveal that Gretta has been enthralled by the music played as Bartell D’Arcy sings ‘The Lass of Aughrim’ which reminds her of once being a Galway girl in love with a boy named Michael Furey. This then enables Gabriel to commence his in-depth rather contemplative exploration of his own traits in cluding the substance of his perceptions regarding his wife and the past, as well as of the living and the dead. At the end of the story, the Dublin labyrinth of the ‘eye’ is likely subjected to transformation while Gabriel realizes how death manages to occur in his well-being. His period of emotional recollections and random yet significant thoughts suggests an epiphany of sudden enlightenment or radiance that has never been present in plain view of things. It is a point at which Conroy engages into his identity for the first
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Marketing Research case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Marketing Research case study - Essay Example The main purpose of research is to gather information that can be used to satisfy the needs and interests of the consumers profitably. It is imperative to gather as much information as possible about a market so that the marketers will be better positioned to be able to identify the factors that can give them competitive advantage over the other rival competitors. Market research is important as it seeks to create an environment that will give the organisation competitive advantage. 2. The management decision problem facing Wendy over their intention to expand to USA is that they may be over ambitious and fail to penetrate the market due to competition in the industry. It is a bit difficult to penetrate an industry and manage to sweep through the other established businesses entities already established without better marketing strategies than they will be using. For instance, McDonald’s uses cutting edge marketing strategies and this will be an uphill task for Wendy’s to easily surpass this performance given that they are just comfortable with their current performance which is even comparatively lower than that of the rival competitors. It has to be borne in mind that establishing a new business enterprise should not be rushed and there is need for proper plans to be put in place so as to ensure that there would be higher chances of surviving especially in a competitive environment. Launching a new product in the market is not always a guarantee that it will succeed but the need to be acquainted with market trends that are constantly changing. 3. The marketing research facing Wendy is that they are out of touch with their market since they are not venturing into something new by virtue of performing fairly in the market. It is pretty difficult to penetrate a market without knowledge about it. The problem is that when one does not have current knowledge about the interests of the customers, it can be a bit tricky since the chances of
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Critical Evaluation Of Shareholder Wealth Maximisation Research Paper
Critical Evaluation Of Shareholder Wealth Maximisation - Research Paper Example As we enter the 21st century, calling it the postindustrial era or postmodern era, the moral status of the shareholder wealth maximization for the corporate activity has changed. Shareholder wealth maximization is exempt for moral scrutiny, within the disciplines of financial economics and corporate culture. This concept is undeniably protected against the critics by the theory of invisible hand that each individual company that competes in pursuit of shareholder wealth maximization ultimately leads to maximum cumulative economic advantage. "Many managers have considerable discretion to substitute their own interest for that of the stockholders. Stockholder and manager interests can conflict or be independent in significant respects. The extent to which firms are managed in stockholder interests vary considerably" (Findlay & Whitmore, 1974). The term itself appears to entail a narrow worldly focus on shareholders but in reality, it really stands for a focus on the equity market value disclosed in the company's price of the stock. In this respect, the finance manager who is in pursuit of shareholder wealth maximization is in fact only concerned with the things that can have an effect or impact on the company's price or value of stock and therefore, other stakeholders can influence company value. Critical Evaluation of Stakeholder Approach An approach to strategic management was proposed by Edward Freeman in 1984 called the stakeholder approach. The traditional view of corporate strategy, stakeholders were associated with terms such as owners or stockholders of a company. According to Freeman, he described the term stakeholder more broadly and included in his definition that any group or an individual who can influence or is influenced by the company's objectives and goal is a stakeholder of that company. In order to understand the stakeholder model, it should be recognized that this model does not only imply any concern only for the stockholders but also for the stakeholders such as animals or the environment. The concern for finance managers at this point is ineradicably inter-twined with a company's finance concern. A company that is insensitive to the concerns of the stakeholders will not be able to rise financially and therefore would not be able to cater to the needs of the stakeholders.The stakeholder model als o has many drawbacks. The interests of the stakeholders of any company can deviate sharply from one another and managers pursuing the path to keep all the stakeholders happy, who have no sense of compromise, can do more damage than those managers who put the shareholders first in their doctrine and objectives. In modern times, the interests of the stakeholders are inter-twined as aforementioned. To elaborate, employees are shareholders in the company due to the investment in the pension funds.
Monday, August 26, 2019
2006 New York Housing Market Bubble Research Paper
2006 New York Housing Market Bubble - Research Paper Example Subsequently, the rapid increases lead to decreases in home values and mortgage debt charge that exceeds worth of property. Housing bubbles are usually identified after a market correction since house bubbles do not burst the way stock markets do. A housing bubble can occur when there is excess demand in housing with the supply that does not increase. There was a housing market bubble in New York that reached its climax in 2006. The housing bubble was attributed to rise in subprime lending, poor policies, poor taxation, emergence of new lenders, underwriters and mortgage brokers and credit raters. The housing bubble in New York took a period of ten years before it was realized. Because of the housing bubble in New York, the consumers, lenders and the entire economy were affected. The bubble was identified in New York by housing prices rising faster than the consumer prices, which was attributed to the increased demand for houses and a non-increasing supply side in housing (Frank, 200 9). Housing Market Bubble and New York City economy in 2006 During a housing boom, there is a substantial rise in real output as investment in houses and their related investments increases. There tends to be more jobs in the housing sector, and the investment gives out more economic output. Of course, the assets for extra housing activity have to be generated from somewhere, which means less activity for the other sectors of economy than it could have otherwise occurred. On bursting of a housing boom, new housing begins to fall, and the process is reversed. Another aspect of house pricing that affect the economy is that of household wealth effect and the related consumption. In times when house price increases, owners of houses for investments become wealthier and in the end increase their consumption spending since consumption is dependent on a person’s wealth. The wealthier an individual becomes, the more he has the willing power to consume and thus, the more he will consu me (Frank, 2009). The New York economy experienced changes due to the housing bubble. Before the market bubble came to be realized in the year 2006, the revenues related to real estates had increased tremendously, but with the housing market bubble, the revenues collected in the form of taxes from the real estates decreased drastically. The decrease in tax revenues could be attributed to the weaknesses in carrying out the housing transactions. There was a decrease in the growth of GDP since it grew at a lower level from the previous years. Private investments fell to 3.3% with a considerable increase in all sectors of private investments, but investments in inventories decreased significantly (Wiedemer, 2006). Consumer spending was highly affected by the housing bubble. As the mortgage interest rates rose, the consumption spending was decreased. However, since the interest rates rose slowly and the corresponding wealth effect was not random, the overall effect on the economy was not immediate, but took time before it could be noticed. An attempt to determine the value of houses rated NYC housing value as being 25% above the sustainable level. Usually, the reduced consumer spending may be because of the consumers not having trust in the housing investments, where they experienced a mix up of prices; price increases and price reductions. The consumers felt less wealthy after the bubble burst and they responded by cutting back spending (Wiedemer, 2006). During times of house bubbling, there were an increased number of brokers and underwriters, these made the real estate trade become easier with their role in shortening the transactions between purchasers and sellers of real
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Law for Business Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words - 1
Law for Business - Assignment Example nless he is, in fact, specially authorized by the other partners; but this section does not affect any personal liability which may arise against any other partner who has so conducted himself as to give reasonable ground to the party dealing with the partner first mentioned for believing him to be so authorized1.There are rights that the third party has and enable the party to enforce agreements against the firm. The enforcement of a term by the third party is when the terms of the contract provides that the party is subjected to subsection and the term that is given by the firm significances to discuss a benefit that the party will obtain. Any claim that can be made by the third parties may not be well defended by the partnership since not all the partners were involved. The subjection that the third party is able to get may not apply when if on a proper coming to an agreement appears that the parties that were involved did not have the intention to have the term being enforceable by the law 2. In the enforcements that are made, the third party must be well identified by the partners in the contract with fine details including name and as a member of a given class or as answering a given description3. There is no need of the person to be in existence when the agreement of the purchases is entered into. The laws of third party involvement in a contract need the subject to be subjected to and also do it according to other relevant terms of the contract. In contracts that Steve involved in, there was no consideration of other terms of partnership that they were in. in exercising rights of enforcement by a third party, there is availability to the third party remedy that would be available to him if there was breach in the contract that was entered to if the third party was already part of the contract. The other rules that apply to the third party are with rules that relate to damages, specific performance and injunctions. There are terms of contracts that restrict
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Daughter from danang Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Daughter from danang - Essay Example The movie depicts how at every stage of her life, Heidi had to face untold miseries on account of circumstances related to of her birth, abandonment by the parents, and the cultural clashes to which she was exposed to. Her destiny was linked to the destinies of two nations. On being sent to America with the consent of her mother, primarily for safety considerations in Vietnam, she was adopted by a single mother, in a township of Pulaski, Tennessee. As she reached adulthood, her relationship with the adopted mother deteriorated and she began intense search for her own mother. She succeeded in her efforts, got a link to her whereabouts and came to know that she lived with her half-siblings. Heidi decides to visit her at the native homeland, notwithstanding the deep cultural differences. The plot of the movie is not smooth-sailing one, but full credits to the producer, they maintain a non-judgmental approach and it involves several questions for which satisfactory solutions are difficul t to find. Her birth mother has abandoned Heidi, and it is not expected of her to show love and sympathy for her.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Humor is a Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Humor is a Philosophy - Essay Example In this regard, the philosopher has, I think, a family resemblance with the comedian, who also asks us to look at the world askance, to imagine a topsy-turvy universe where horses and dogs talk and where lifeless objects become miraculously animated. Both the philosopher and the comedian ask you to view the world from a Martian perspective, to look at things as if you had just landed from another planet. In its own way, a joke can reveal the pathos in laughter, grotesqueness in opulence and life's struggles' in the quiet that envelopes it. The power of humor in liberating the mind and enlightening it to see deeper also connects it to Zen. This is discussed in greater detail below. Zen says that reality can be understood in a way that is not conceptual. Zen philosophy believes that unitive point of view is not attained by logical dissection of reality but by the intutive method, which transcends subject and object and all logical categories including affirmation and negation. As pointed by Ha Tai Kim 1955: Zen transcends the logical bifurcation of subject and object, mind and matter, being and non-being, which always falls into the realm of relational knowledge. It is due to the thoroughgoing attitude of Zen that it pierces through relational knowledge, so as to acquire an absolute point of view. It attempts to see the world in its absolute wholeness (p. 21). This This is really the philosophical spirit and what connects it so beautifully with humor. Zen does not build any philosophical systems since it defies concept-making, much like comedy; for very often humor arises when a situation is viewed in its completeness with all its paradoxes and contradictions. Humor is related with people and situations, not concepts and objects. Just as Zen points to facts as they are, so does the comedy of recognition. Zen says, when you are offered tea, sip it, and, when you happen to take wine, drink it and that there is nothing more than this. Humor as a philosophy, too offers a view of reality by making one view situations in wholeness. Comedy of recognition for example reinforces status quo and does not criticize established order, much like Zen, which points to facts, as they exist. Paradox and Language Let us examine paradox. Paradox is apparent whenever there is incongruity. Humor, very often works by way of a felt incongruity between what one expects to be the case and what actually takes place in a funny situation. For incongruity to be humorous, usually, there exists congruence between joke structure and socially accepted norms. For example: "Someone's hat falls on the coffin in a freshly dug grave, the funeral loses its meaning and laughter is born"(Kundera, 1983, p.232-33). The incongruity that thus results and pricks, what is socially accepted, gives rise to laughter. Just like the incongruence in situations, there exists incongruence in what is being said, which can make statements comic. Language plays a crucial role here. Language is explained as "an approximation of thoughts through symbolic manipulation, and the gap between the expectations inherent in those symbols and the breaking of those expectations leads to laughter" (Wikepedia, 2005). The language connection and especially the paradox that can be inherent in language, reminds one of Zen. Zen teaching
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Old house Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Old house - Essay Example Today, people are able to communicate with the rest of the world instantly and can operate from anywhere in the world as there are faster modes of transport that move people from one place to another. Most people depend on the modern appliances to survive as it proves to be easy and time consuming to use them. For example the emergence of the microwave has made people become lazy as they use it t cook and warm food. One day after ten thousand years, someone will discover my house that was buried six feet below the ground. The house will be in a bad state but will still be intact. Upon entry, one is welcomed by a bad odour and this is due to the rotten and spoilt items in the house. On the walls hang pictures of my family and the rewards I won when I was a college student. One cannot help but notice a wall clock that is not functional. In addition, there are wall writings as well as different arts from different people. Most of the items in the old house will represent the kind of life the people in that generation had. For instance, the presence of the old television and a home theatre that stands at one corner of the living room. My home theatre is infested with insecticides and is worn out. The home theatre is one of the gadgets that almost every home had. The remote lies next to the television and one can barely see the wordings on top of it and at the look at the batteries, they are worn ou t. Moreover, the presence of an air condition shows that at the time, people used the machine to regulate the amount of heat in the house. This is proof that during summer, when it was hot people made their lives cool by using the air condition. Moreover, there was the refrigerator. On opening it, nothing was inside apart from a bad smell that came out of it. People used the fridge to store and conserve food to be used later. Because of the busy work schedules, people used to prepare food and store in the fridge.
Poisonwood Bible Essay Example for Free
Poisonwood Bible Essay Adahs Development In Barbara Kingsolvers novel The Poisonwood Bible, the Price family, Nathan and Orleanna Price and their four daughters, travel to the Congo to convert the locals to Christianity. Kingsolver constructs a multi-voice narrative and in doing so Kingsolver constructs five different personalities: Orleanna Price, Rachel Price, Leah Price, Adah Price, and Ruth May Price. As the novel progresses, each of the characters experiences a dramatic change throughout the book and through the use of textual evidence and deep analysis of the diction and rhetoric used for the character Adah Price; leading us to discover how she transforms in the novel and what this variation is exactly. Adah, who is a cripple since birth, has never been able to move the left side of her body and is psychologically a mute. This enables her to see the world from a different perspective and strangely views things backwards. She believes that her life has no value to her or anyone else. Adah has a twin sister Leah who is perfectly normal and Adah carries a lot of hatred toward Leah because its her fault that she is handicapped. Oh, I can easily imagine the fetal mishap: we were inside he womb together dum-de-dum when Leah suddenly turned and declared, Adah you are Just too slow. I am taking all the nourishment here and going on ahead. She grew strong as I grew weak. And so it came to pass was cannibalized by my sister (Kingsolver 34). This view held by Adah comes into play many times in the novel and even Leah can tell that here is some hostility between them. Young Adah also has this fascinating plan. She is believed to be mute because of what doctors had told her parents, but in fact she is very intelligent and she insists on not talking in order to simplify her life and act more as an observer rather than a doer. Her naturally detail-oriented nature is well illustrated by the diction and tone she uses. the women working their field will stand up one after another, unwrap the pagne of bright cloth stretch it out wide before retying it. They resemble flocks of butterflies opening and closing their wings (Kingsolver 137). The initial observation of the way these women work the field is unlike the other girls who merely comment that the women pound the manioc. Adah observes and analyzes the women in a factual manner and yet that last sentence reveals more about her character. She oes from making a remark that almost scientifically evaluates the womens movements to making a statement that brings an artistic form of examining the actions and uses powerful imagery for the reader to associate with. However, Adah does not stay like this throughout the whole novel. She experiences an event that shifts her character in such a way that although it does not have an immediate impact, it changes her completely in the long run. Live was I ere I saw evil (Kingsolver 305). On the frightful night when Kilanga, the village were the Price family was living, was swarmed by a massive group of ants known as Nsongonya Adah was left behind. She woke to the sound of screams and felt ants all over her. Her mother ran into the room, baby Ruth May bundled in her arms. Adah, for the first time perhaps pleaded for help. Help me (Kingsolver 305). Orleanna stared at her crippled daughter and turned away. This was a huge turning point for the young girl. In the simple plea alone, the way Kingsolver phrased it l [Adan] spoke out loud, tn only time: help me (Kingsolver 305), one could see that this was a simple phrase; not shouted or screamed, simply stated. When Adahs plea was not answered she was left dumbstruck and proceeded to fght for her life. Although Adah originally believed that everyone found her life to be of no value she was still horror struck when her mother did not come to her aid, but she still decided to save herself because she realized her own self-worth. No longer was she an idle observer, she became a doer. If her mother would not save her, then Adah would do it on her own because she knew her life was worth saving. This fateful night carries on into the rest of her days, perhaps not immediately, but it does affect her character in the end. When Adah finally returns to the US with her mother, Orleanna, she has almost completely ndergone her transformation. The Journey from Africa alone had left a great mark on Adah because of her mothers tenacity to bring her daughter home safe and sound. Adah was astounded by her mothers ferocious protection of her. When they finally do get home however, Adah immediately applies to Emory University and studies the medical sciences which she takes up as her religion. However, much has changed. Adah finds that without anyone to speak for her she must get used to speaking rather than observing and is shocked at first by the sound of her voice, but this is not the greatest change. The most dramatic alteration is one that she only picks up on for a moment in the final part. She states that she has always sacrificed life and limb and half a brain to save the other half (Kingsolver 410). Adah finds it unusual to now owe her mother something when her own life has been a constant struggle. My habit is to drag myself imperiously through a world that owes me unpayable debts. I have long relied on the comforts of martyrdom (Kingsolver 410). The very tone of this phrase represents beautifully the realization that has struck Adah like a lightning bolt in this moment. The word imperiously gives the reader perfect imagery of a disgruntled and displeased Adah who hates the world and yet that second sentence reveals something else. She has come to know what it feels like to owe someone an unpayable debt and that her whole life has been driven from this one disability. The words comfort and martyrdom are so opposite that they balance out the sentence and give the reader an understanding of how Adah felt about her handicap. What is even greater is the physical transformation that follows this mental one. Adah meets a neurologist who informs her that he can help er overcome her limp. This intrigues her and after several months Adah no longer has to bear her physical disability. She is at first amazed that this cross she has born all these years could somehow be taken care of like that. However, as she progresses through the novel she finds that this recovery is balanced out by the inability to see words and phrases backwards and in a completely different perspective like she used too. At times she limps purposefully around [her] apartment trying to recover [her] old ways of seeing and thinking (Kingsolver 492). This sentence shows ow she still longs for the days when she was different and had something to wield against the world. The imagery provided allows the reader to vividly imagine Adah trying with all her might to limp and be as she once was, but away from the public eye. She continues to live as the recovered individual that she is now and only seems to regret the loss of an edge that she once held. Adahs transformation in the novel was one ot a seemingly helpless child into a tully tunctioning adult who nad experienced things that no one in her community could top. She realized a self worth that she did not possess at the beginning of the novel. Adah Price was a cripple. Adah Price is a cripple. The genius girl that went to the Congo is not the same one that returned and lived the rest of her life in the US. She no longer has a physical handicap that got her mocked and looked down upon, but she does not have that special outlook on the world either. Adah now knows people whom she can work with and share time with because she will talk now, but she owes her mother an unsettled debt, that may never be resolved in her heart and mind. Adah has changed for better or worse is uncertain. In the end experiences add up and the results always balance each other out.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Coca Colas Strategic Management Process
Coca Colas Strategic Management Process In 1886, John Pemberton was able to make replacement product of alcohol by adding CO2 with sugar and other components such as caffeine and cocaine named the mixture Coca-Cola. He may have been inspired by the formidable success of Vin Mariani, a European coca wine. At the beginning, they consider it as a medicine to relieve headaches and gain energy. They were believed that carbonated water is good for health so the first sales were at Jacobs Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1888 Coca Cola drinks were sold by three different companies. But John Pemberton died in 1888 without realizing the success of the beverage he had created. Atlanta businessman Asa Griggs Candler secured rights to the business for a total of $2,300. Candler would become the Companys first president, and the first to bring real vision to the business and the brand. (Atlanta Beginning, 2006-2011) Asa G. Candler was a salesman and he was the one who put a good marketing strategy for introducing the product to the people by distributing apothecaries with clocks, urns, calendars and apothecary scales bearing the Coca-Cola brand. So the people were able to see it everywhere and that will attract them to buy Coca-Cola drinks. In 1895, Candler had built the first Coca-Cola factories in Chicago, Dallas and Los Angeles. (Atlanta Beginning, 2006-2011) In 1900, the company started to sell their product outside the country to England then they sold it in Canada and Mexico. In 1916, the product arrived to France, Jamaica, Germany and Cuba. In addition to that, the first factory for Coca-Cola Bottling in the Middle East was in 1944 in Egypt. Furthermore, there were many factories opened in the mid-20th century such as Iraq and Saudi Arabia to produce Coca Cola drinks. (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) Industry, Segment, and Type of Products Coca-Cola is a global leader in the beverage industry; nowadays Coca-Cola Company provides more than 500 brands including soft drinks, fruit juices, sport drinks and other beverages in over 200 countries or regions and serves over 1.7 billion servings each day. Coca-Cola drink consists of: Carbonated water Sugar Caffeine Phosphoric acid Caramel color Natural flavorings The original copy of the formula which considers a secret formula for the drink held in safety box in SunTrust bank in Atlanta. Coca-Cola drink contains material that only produced in the main Atlanta factories Georgia, United States. Then the company distributes it to other Coca-Cola factories around the world. (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) The target market for the Coca-Cola is all age group especially male and female teenagers, it is sold all around so that everyone can buy it and drink it. Furthermore, we could find on their TV advertisement that they target families to choose Coca-Cola drink as favorite family drink. Locations of operated company The Coca-Cola Company headquarters are in Atlanta, Georgia, and the United States. In addition, Coca-Cola Company has rights to operate across Europe which means they have rights to operate in 24 European countries. They sell their products in 200 countries all over the world. In other words, Coca-Cola Company is served all over the world (locations, 2009). Company Mission Their Roadmap starts with their mission which is enduring; it declares their purpose as a company and serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions: To refresh the world To inspire moments of optimism and happiness To create value and make a difference. (coca cola, 2012) Macro-environment (PEST) Analysis PEST Analysis PEST analysis identifies the changes in the market that occur because of the economical, political, technological and social factors. Political analysis: The Non alcoholic beverages such as Coca Cola are under the Food and Drug Administration. In terms of the regulations, the government controls over manufacturing procedure of the products. There are some factors that affect the operations of Coca Cola such as the changes in the laws and regulations (taxation requirements), accounting standards and environmental laws. Moreover, changes in the non alcoholic business era like pricing policy and competitive product pressures and ability to maintain sales in worldwide market compare to its competitors. Political conditions in international markets like governmental changes, civil conflict and restrictions on the ability to relocate the capital across borders. Its ability to enter developing market depends on political and economic conditions and their ability to form strategic business alliances with local bottlers effectively and to improve their distribution networks, production amenities, sales technology and equipm ent. So in some countries coca cola has problem in business expansion due to government regulation. (political and technological analysis) Economic analysis: Economic analysis examines the world, national and local economy impact. The recession that was in 2001 has impacted the operations of many companies, however, due to the aggressive actions of the US economy it returned to grow positively in 2002. The rise in the rate of interest also depressing business and it causes lower spending levels and redundancies. Because of the global recession, Coca Cola can borrow the capital and invest in the other products easily due to lowered interest rate. In addition, it can borrow to advance its research for new technology and products. Researching of the new products is cost effective and the company can sell its products at lower price so that its customers would buy more Coca Cola products at lower price. (Sociological and Economic analysis) Sociological analysis: It analyzes the ways how the changes in society affect organization such as changing in attitudes and lifestyles of the market (Sociological and Economic analysis). Most of US citizen are practicing healthier lifestyles. This has affected non alcoholic beverages industry mostly. Customers are switched to diet colas like Coca Cola Zero or light and bottled water instead of beer and alcoholic beverages. Time management has also increase and it is 43% approximately of all households. The need of bottled water and other healthy products are important in the day to day life. Middle aged customers are more concerned with their nutrition. This will continuously affects non alcoholic beverages industry by increasing overall demand and in healthier beverages also. Technological analysis: Many factors influence the actual results of the company to vary from the expected results such as the efficiency of promotional programs, marketing and advertising of company. The new technology like internet and television use incomparable effects for advertising and this makes products more attractive. In the past, entrance of plastic bottles and cans have increase sale volume of company because plastic bottles are easier to carry and can dispose them once they has been used. The technology is advancing continuously by the entrance of new machineries. Due to this, the production volume of Coca Cola has increase sharply in last few years. In Britain, Coca Cola enterprises have six factories those who are using modern equipment to ensure the top product quality (political and technological analysis). Industry Five Forces Analysis Porters Model Michael Porter, belonging to the Harvard Business School, introduced a business plan for industry analysis in the year 1979 known as Portes Five Forces. It essentially measures the competitiveness of the market with the sole aim to help the enterprises augment profit and enlarge their markets. The five forces can be used to determine the nature of the competition in the industry. In industry i.e. Coca Cola and the conclusion from the same is used to determine the nature of competition in this particular industry. The Porters Five Forces include: Threat of new entrants and potential competitors: It has been observed that in the beverage industry the entry barriers are relatively low. One can see the frequent emergence of new brands in the market which are usually priced at a rate which is lower in price as compared to Coke products. However, it cannot be denied that now Coca Cola is not seen as a mere beverage but as a brand. Owing to this very reason it cannot be ruled out that it has loyal customers who are unlikely to try any other beverage brand and quit drinking Coke. It is also worth noting that Coca Cola has a very significant market share for a long time. Threat of Substitutes: It cannot be denied that there are a number of other sodas and energy drinks in the market apart from Coke. But the threat against Coke is low. Firstly, due to the brand loyalty. Secondly, due to the fact that Coca Cola has such a market reputation where it has been successfully differentiating its products remarkably. Bargaining power of buyers: The third which pertains to the bargaining power of the buyer can be rated as low. It has been seen that the individual has no pressure on Coca Cola. Fountain sales, sales through vending machines, supermarkets, large scale retail sales and the convenience stores attached to the gas stations serve as the main channels of distribution. Pepsi, the main competitor is also priced almost the same as Coke itself. It has been however observed that the vending machines, convenience stores and supermarkets given to the fact that they have not many alternatives, have low bargaining power. It should also be pointed out here that given to the fact that people now are realizing the adverse impacts of the carbonated drink on health, they tend to turn towards fruit juices instead of carbonated drinks. Bargaining power of the Suppliers: The fourth which pertains to the bargaining power with the suppliers can be again rated as low. Coca Cola is primarily concerned with the task of supplying either fructose or sucrose and undertakes the bottling work. However, in countries like US Coca Cola buys high fructose corn syrup as its ingredient. As a matter of fact any supplier would not be willing to lose a huge customer like Coca Cola. Business Rivalry or rivalry among the existing firms: The market is essentially shared by Pepsi and Coca Cola which are always striving for international presence. It is seen that both the brands commit heavily to sponsoring outdoor festivals. Given to the fact that Coca Cola has a longer history, it resorts more to the classical way of advertising in comparison to its rival Pepsi which basically tries to captivate the attention of the younger generation by using Pop Stars as brand ambassadors. (Wright, 1999) Lifecycle Stage Coca-Cola has been constantly developing despite of their unrevealed formula that has not changed over the years, which has also been a huge success in maintaining their brand as a number one position. Industries evolve structurally as well as in terms of overall size over time. However, profits do vary throughout the lifecycle. The competitive forces that shape the business keep changing throughout the lifecycle. Hence several stages in the lifecycle of an industry are as follows: Embryonic Stage: In this stage where the industry is in its nascent stage faces minimal competition as there are few competitors and no threat from the substitutes due to the fact that the industry is new. Growth Stage: In this phase, the number of competitors increases. However, the rivalry between the firms is kept in check given to the fact that demand outstrips capacity of growth. This phase is often associated with profitability. Shakeout Stage: In this phase, economies of scale are achieved and due to large-scale consolidation barriers to entry become very high. Maturity Stage: In this phase, the focus is not on the growth, however, some competition from the late entrants become apparent. The power of buyer increases while the power of suppliers declines because now the capacity either matches or exceeds demand. Decline: In this phase, one can see increase in the power of buyer in sharp contrast to that of the supplier as capacity exceeds the supply. Hence, it can be said that this phase does pose new challenges. It is in this stage that we can see an eventual decline in the rivalry of the firms as the weakest of the competitors tend to withdraw from the industry. (Niemann, Tichkiewitch, Westkà ¤mper, 2009) Current Lifecycle Stage Currently Coca-Cola is under the maturity stage due to the solidity and capability of keeping a large and loyal group of stable customers. This stage is lasting longer than all other stages when it comes to western countries like the United States and Europe; considering Asia however, it is still in the growth stage. ( Coca-Cola Case Study) During the maturity stage, products usually go through a slowdown in sales growth which can affect cost management, product differentiation and marketing in the industry. Therefore, management has to pay attention to products in order to keep the percentage of sales growing, not forgetting the market share is the source of profitability. Description: A way to extend its lifecycle being away from declining is to keep developing the product and/or the brand to make it more accessible based on consumer needs, by following some helpful strategies: Have a constant change in designs of both cans and bottles, for example: colorful cans and labels for bottles with tags on for festive occasions to make them more attractive. Produce smaller sizes of bottles and cans with lower calorie and sugar for kids. When buying packs of coke, they would come with a nice case to carry them easily everywhere. Produce Coke drinks with additional flavors (e.g. cherry, strawberry, grapeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦etc.) to grow customers demand and interest as well as to attract new consumer groups. Replacing glass bottles to plastic liter bottles will help increasing consumption. (Noor, 2011) Internal Analysis SWOT Matrix This section attempts to perform a strategic analysis of the brand which is the number one beverage maker i.e. Coca Cola. This is done by making an internal analysis of the company in order to understand its internal capabilities. This involves the development of such strategies which make Coca Cola distinct from its competitors. To compete in the international market Coca Cola has developed such strategies which creates values for its customers as well as its consumers like that of optimism, rejuvenation, accomplishment and difference. It follows the following path trying to pursue its strategic policies: by growing core carbonated soft drink brands at global level by growing in other core non carbonated brands like sports and energy drinks developing wellness platforms by initially focusing on tea, soy and juice by nurturing system health i.e. market by market focus Coca Cola should try to take into account the needs of its customers and create a greater customer value by creating adjacent business (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) SWOT Analysis Coca Cola is the leading manufacturer, distributor and marketer in the beverage industry. However, given to the fact that certain regulations have been imposed in schools have affected the sale of soft drinks which seem to have a consequent adverse effect on the sale and operating margins of the company in the near future. Strength Coca Cola has leading market presence which is built on strong portfolio. Coca Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta and Sprite are the worlds top four non- alcoholic beverage brands which are owned by Coca Cola. Minute Maid, Coca Cola Zero, Dasani, Powerade, Simply, Georgia Coffee, Del Valle and vitaminwater. It is the strong brand value of Coca Cola that enables it to be recalled by the customer and consolidate its position in the market. The companys brand success is attributed to the its strong bottling and customer partnership It has a strong global footprints on the emerging nations Good financial resources (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) Weaknesses Involvement in product quality issues Low health products Its own products are competitor of each other Opportunities In todays scenario an increasing awareness can be seen among the consumers regarding food and drink choices and it is owing to this reason that once can see the increasingly growing demands of healthy beverages and drinks. By taking such needs of the consumer into consideration the company can win the confidence of the consumers. There is good opportunity in health drink segment. Company can make its products healthier. Threats The potential threat to the company sales is that in the face of regulations placed on their sale given to the health issues involved. The production costs and capacity can also be affected by the water scarcity and poor quality. Another threat is from government regulations of some countries. (Coca-Cola Offical Website, 2012) Strategy Assessment Current Strategy One of Coca-Cola company goals is to maximize growth and profitability to create value for their shareholders which will also create advocacy for the brand under the following strategies: Transforming our commercial models to focus on our customers value potential and using a value-based segmentation approach to capture the industrys value potential. Implementing multi-segmentation strategies in our major markets to target distinct market clusters divided by consumption occasion, competitive intensity and socioeconomic levels. Implementing well-planned product, packaging and pricing strategies through different distribution channels. Driving product innovation along our different product categories. Achieving the full operating potential of our commercial models and processes to drive operational efficiencies throughout our company. (Strategy and Competitive Advantages, 2011) Other effective strategies to achieve the business goals are: Deliver shared value Engage the market through storytelling and thought provoking ideas Be a leader in the cultural dialogue Create a network advantage (Creating Advocacy, 2012)
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Social Justice in Education
Social Justice in Education This paper presents a critical evaluation on the issues which link the current educational system with social justice. The paper will provide a critical evaluation based on the development of an appropriate framework for finding how education is supposed to be constructed to reflect social justice around the world today. By examining the various research, that centers social justice and education, one finds evidence that educational social justice in the education context is based on the aspect of democracy; this may be seen as an example of the extreme individualism. This hyper-individualism has dominated the educational debate as it relates to social justice. In this situation, the whole society, and social cohesion are marginalized. This marginalization led to the development of a school curriculum which is based on providing education for specific individuals within the economic imperatives. The paper concludes with the recommendation that in the creation of a socially just socie ty, it is important for hyper-individualism to not overlook the importance of the whole social group. This means that there is a need for a shift of culture which would respect individual responsibilities and rights as part of the whole social setting. Development of a curriculum which addresses the needs of all in the educational setting is a product from addressing the middle of a society rather than all of a society. Introduction Social justice means ensuring equality in all aspects which affect people in the community, society, nation and the around the globe. Social justice is a concept which fights s for the right of every individual for the opportunities available in the society, no matter the class, age, gender, race or ethnic origin. Social justice in modern day education is aligned to the dominate ideology of democratic liberalism. This is about the examination of the hyper individualism emergence which results into the dominance of the educational system and social justice. American students comprise of those from rich and poor families, those from the urban and rural areas and those who are straight and gay. Each day they are taught on the importance of equality and in every pledging they make, they promise to be indivisible, ensuring there is justice and liberty to all. Students are also taught of the value of democratic equality which suggests on the need of all American to be treated and regarded as equal citizens with no biasness on the basis of ones background ,economic status, belief , background, religion, race, or sex. The students are also taught on the fundamental on the main democratic value of justice which is a core belief that America provides the same opportunities and benefits to all the citizens. Despite the teachings given to students on social justice the education system of America is characterized by inequalities which from year to year are being perpetuated. The education system of American the 21st century is characterized by increasing wide gap between those with and those without. This situation has been fostered by the trickle-down economic policies and deregulation. These policies are traced back to the administration of President Reagan and Clintons administration which enacted the anti-worker legislation. President Bush administration further supported the major businesses and offering tax free breaks for the rich as compared to the lower and middle class people these polices have hindered the ability of America to move towards being an enlightened society because these policies have introduced a few Feudalism where as other already developed countries have had positive development in their education system. The implementation of policies which support social justice in the American education system will mean providing equal opportunities to students in their rights to education. The reality about the American system of education is that schools have distinct economic disparities. There are those schools considered for the rich and those schools seen as poor schools. The socio-economic condition of the families the students comes from determines the schools they attend to. The choices of their extracurricular activities, access to money to pay for advanced placement, yearbooks field trips and many other academic and non academic aspects. In most cases, the students of low SES provide special education classes and remedial schools while their counterparts attend schools which have college preparatory curriculum. Therefore the reality is that students in America are not provided with the same educational opportunity as it is often assumed. History of public education in the United States The public education of America is very distinct and unique compared to other countries mainly because of the roles and responsibilities played by the individual school district and the states. The formal public education of the United States was created I during the 19th century. The public school system was initially suggested by Jefferson the American leader whose ideas were well incorporated in the development of the countrys education system. Other continents and regions which had been colonists by New England such as New Hampshire, Connecticut and Massachusetts had already established the primary form of education of public education which had already been implemented during the 1600s the main reason why the colonizers took to educate the children was solely based on religious aspects of the Congregationalists and the Puritans who were dominating on those regions. Alter when the regions began to be populated by other people of different faiths. The initial concept of these publ ic schools became weakened through the opposition to learn both in the clergy imposition to the system and also in denial to learn in English. This led to the formation of private schooling which were already a norm by the mid of the 18th century. The Declaration of Independence brought about unique standards and specifications of the public education system. Jefferson suggestion was that all the public schools be under the control of the government with no discrimination based on religious biasness and to be made available to all people irrespective of ones social status. Other contributions on the issue of public education by then were made by George Washington, Robert Coram, Noah Webster and Benjamin Rush However the true concept of education system by then was not well defined due to the impact of economic transformation, political upheavals and wide scale immigration. Currently a lot of vast changes have taken place in both the education sector which comprises of public schools, religious, private and charitable institutions. Public education system in America began in the 1840s and was attended with the wealthy people within a given locality. Reformers came up to fight for the need of ensuring education benefits are provided to even students from the poor families. One commonly known reformer is Horace Mann who was for education reforms in Massachusetts and Henry Bernard based in Connecticut. Common schooling was for the benefit of uniting the society, prevention of poverty and crime by ensuring every citizen is well. These reforms calls led to the development of public schools to students at the elementary level towards the fall of the19th century. The Catholic Church was however not in support of these reforms but instead created its own schools to be attended by students privately. The first public school which came up in the United States came in 1635 called the Boston Latin School. And later Harvard University became the first university to enroll students from the various public schools who had done well. Students in these early colleges and schools got involved in the events of the time such as the World war 11, the Greater depressions and the Cold war. The passing of Morill Act in 1890 meant greater support to the universities of various states and land was also granted to construct these universities. Efforts were made to finance these public universities and even those at the lower level to ensure that each student in America gets high quality education. However, the education system was not up to the level required by the members of public that education should be made available to all the children irrespective of their gender, race or economic standards. This was not the case in reality. Schools became highly discriminative despite them being founded by the tax paid by all the members of the public. Discrimination of these schools was on the basis of gender and race. In many schools, girls were not admitted and if admitted, they were not provided with the same courses as those done by the boys. They were only taught subjects like tailoring, cooking and secretarial courses. Discrimination in the United States public education has also been enhanced by the unfair public policies passed especially in school districts. The cause of inequality in education system According to various researches done to establish the cause of inequality in the education system, it has become evident that the socioeconomic factors play a significant role in the education of a child. Jerome Brunner, a cultural psychologist in his book the Culture of education (1996) explains that the mental growth of a child is determined by the effect of alienation, racism and poverty (p xii). He goes on to say that effective education is as a result b of the constituencies and culture which is powerful in the maintenance of the social status quo than in flexibility fostering (p, 15). The social status quo is promoted by political motivation which aims at developing a body of the underclass people who support the industry. During the whole of the 20th century, the economy of America was depended on the manufacturing labor which was in need of workers who perform repetitive and simple jobs with no any required formal education. Therefore the aim of these manufacturing companies with the support of the government was not to cultivate a workforce which was educated. The 21st century saw a shift of the manufacturing company reliance into an economy based on information. This reliance required a workforce which is highly educated or literate; employees who are critical thinkers in solving problems have technological know-how. These are the goals which found not been achieved by every student because in the first place they are not been given the opportunity to attend to schools due to the inequality in funding, lack of school environment or the preparedness of teachers. That student who ahead attended the fully funded schools by the government had students who were attended to individually compare to the le ast successful schools which is a form of both geographical and economic segregation. In 2001 president Bush passed the policy of the No child Left behind Act as a law with the goal of meeting the high standards of education and as a solution to enabling schools around the United States to work and meet the standards provide by the Act. The Act has brought about heated debate on why it is not addressing the issue of racism and poverty which are the central problems that affect the education system in the United States. On the Contrary to the intentions of the Act as a way of maintaining high level of education in the United States the Act has instead fostered the racial segregation in the education system especially through its award system. It is only the schools which perform better that they are provided with funds but when critically examine these high performing schools are the schools attended by the whites students because they have been well equipped with the educational fac ilities and resources necessary for students success. Those schools which are attended by the Black students are mostly less equipped resulting to high rate of students with the least academic scores. Public policies Discrimination based on race In 1619, many Blacks arrived in the United States as slaves and by mid 19th century there were as many as 5.5 million Black people in the country. The early form of education the blacks were provided with was religious education and to make them be Christians. In many regions with slaves many missionary schools were created but in some parts mainly at the southern states were against the provision of any form of education to the black people m because they were not ready to do way with slavery use. All in all, the education provided to the blacks was of low standards until 1863 when the Emancipation Proclamation was passed by Lincoln. The backs literacy rate was pushed up to 70% by 1910 compared to 5% in the 1860s. Reaching 1950s, segregation was still a common phenomenon in America. For example in the southern states, there was a clear distinction of the black and white schools according to the Supreme Court rulings on the Plessey V. Ferguson case. Such laws were not in the North of America but still racial segregation in schools was still the common aspect and due to this unbalanced form education, the blacks were provided with inferior forms of education. The schools attended by the whites were also fully funded and had well equipped facilities and teachers were also well remunerated compared to the black schools. The passing of the Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka in 1954 by the Supreme Court was meant to ban any form of racial segregation in the countrys schools. This law marked that racial segregation was unconstitutional and it went ahead in ensuring that schools to be diverse. This was especially in the South where federal courts had made great efforts of eliminating segregation in the schools which in fact had been legalized. Despite the efforts by the courts it was still not possible to totally eliminate the practice of discrimination in schools. The urban schools became a place where the Hispanic Americans who were on the rises and the poor blacks to attend the middle class blacks and majority of the white student were move to private schools. Poverty became a common aspect to many Native Americans who had already lost their lands to the whites making them not to even attend school all together. Discrimination based on gender Social inequality in the school system also involves discrimination along gender lines. What the reality was during the time is that girls were not encouraged to study but this was fought by the work of Mary Lyon, Jane Addams, Emma Willard , Mary McLeod . They came up with colleges of higher learning for women which enabled young girls to learn the courses also learned by boys which had been deemed as courses only for the boys. The first college for girls was the Oberlin College which was founded in 1833. Others which followed were Vassar College in 1861 and Bryn Mawr College. By 1960s many schools for girls and women had come up because of the rise of gender movements which was against sexual discrimination. This lead to the passing of the federal Education Amendment prohibiting against the discrimination based on sexual orientation in 1972. The girls schools and school for women began to be funded by the federal government. Despite the equality of education to both boys and girls, women and men, discrimination on the basis of gender is further seen when in search of employment after graduation. Many employees would prefer to employ a man engineer than a lady engineer which also applies to the other professions which were only meant for men in the past. The current nature of the education system of America Education today is considered as a vital and lever in uplifting the modern society. But this perception according To Sacks is a myth he presents various insightful aspects which portrays the true nature of the education system in America in the current times. His books present factual statistics and information to show the segregation in schools especially in the higher education level of studies. For example in 1988 students from the lowest economic background results showed that for him to attain a university degree, he had to 6.9 % chances of gaining this chances. By currently this does not apply. Low economic background means no bachelors degree or even a masters. The only probability is that they can afford to join colleges by 50%. Also as student from high social economic background has 51 % chances of earning a degree and for a masters degree with probability of 8%. 9% and only 4. 4 percent to join a college (U.S Department of education 2002). In the early 1990s students selected to join the national universities were 3% who are from the lowest economic backgrounds while at the same time those from the highest economic families had 75% chances of joining the compass. These statistics indicate the widening gap of the education level among the rich and poor students. As years goes by those from low economic backgrounds have ended upon not having education and if so they attended poor schools which offer cheap schooling and low quality of education. Racial disparities are evident in the education system. Minorities like the Latinos and African Americans among others are suffering most because of this. These racial inequalities are an associate also of the class inequalities. The educationist also characterized by unequaled findings depending on the prosperity level of the school the quality of education and the social class of most parents in that School. Recommendation Addressing the issue of social justice in the education system portrays the negative consequences of injustices in the education sector. Failure of equipping all the students in a given country leads to a group of idol people who have the time to involve in various social crimes in the society as well as Bad habits like drug trafficking and alcohol abuse. For the general good of all the members of the public it is important for the government to look into ways which even students from extremely low economic background can manage to learn. Education to all also means empowering the nation economically because all people will be having the skills and knowledge of investing and earning a desirable living condition. Brunner points that, Education is risky, for it fuels the sense of possibility. But a failure to equip minds with the skills for understanding and feeling and acting in the cultural world à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ risks creating alienation, defiance, and practical incompetence (pp. 42- 43). Dewey also believes that the society can only be empowered through education because it brings forth a change in knowledge, behavior and intelligence (Fishman, 1998). This therefore is the crucial time when the nation has to critically think on ways of improving the society by ensuring there is justices and equality in the education system. The advancement in learning methods and technology has significantly contributed to major changes in the public education in a positive way but the modern day social life in Americans characterized by smoking, alcoholisms, drugs violence and issues related to sex. The public education I of America has been looked as a system of education which inculcates the ideas of individual freedom and equality but its current low standards has made any educators to find the ways of improving the system. The No Child Left Behind Act is one of the ways of improving the education standards in America but it requires critical examination to prevent the act from further contributing to the issue of bringing forth social injustice based or race and economic backgrounds of the students.
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Sea Wolf Essay -- essays research papers
The crew of the seal hunting ship the Ghost stood in disbelief as they gazed upon their recently departed first mate. Then a most unusual thing occurred. The captain began yelling at the dead man like a raging storm. Oaths rolled from his lips in a continuous stream. And they were not nice and thoughtful words or mere expressions of indecency. Each word was a blasphemy, and there were many words. It is this lack of remorse for others that defines Wolf Larsen, the antagonist in The Seal Wolf by Jack London.     From the beginning of the book you are introduced to the contrast of characters at hand. The feeble gentleman Humphrey Van Weydon, who is cruelly forced upon the voyage, and the devilish and somewhat divine captain Wolf Larsen. This combination of good and evil sets the stage for an amazing battle of wit and perseverance. But to understand the great battle between these two men, you have to understand the almost invincible nature of Captain Wolf Larsen. Wolf is a five foot ten inch, tan skinned brute. His height is not at all the most striking characteristic of the captain. His amazing muscular build and strength rival that of an enlarged gorilla. In fact, the author repeatedly compares Wolf’s immense strength with that of a wild animal. The name London gives him is perfect to describe his nature. It is this godlike ability to kill anyone with his bare hands that keeps the crew in fear of him. There is a scene in the book where the crew atte...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Killing Mr. Griffin, by Lois Duncan :: Killing Mr. Griffin Lois Duncan
I read the book Killing Mr. Griffin, by Lois Duncan. There was an English teacher, Mr. Griffin, which nobody liked. He was a tough teacher, and didn’t give anyone an A. Not even the smartest student, Susan McConnell. They disliked him so much that they wanted to try and scare him by kidnapping him. One day after school, Mark told his friends his idea of what to do to take care of Mr. Griffin. He decided that they should threaten to kill him so he would give them better grades but not actually kill him. After some convincing, all Mark’s friends agreed to his plan. Then they carried out their plan and got Mr. Griffin where they wanted him. They left him all alone and tied up in the mountains. Susan and David were worried about Mr. Griffin, so after a couple of hours they just went to check on him. But when they got there, they found and realized that Mr. Griffin was dead! They panicked, and didn’t know what to do. They went back and told the others. They all promised each other that they wouldn’t tell anyone what had happened. Now they had to cover up all the evidence that my lead to them. Mark was willing to do anything to do that! After a few days, Mr. Griffin’s disappearance was on the news. Of coarse, no one knew where Mr. Griffin really was, and what had actually happened to him. It was hard for them to keep it in. They all felt so bad, except for Mark. Mark was the leader of this plan, and he secretly did things to cover up evidence that his friends didn’t know about. Not at first anyway. He killed David’s, but Susan figured that out. He also tried to kill Susan because she was going to tell the police the whole story. She couldn’t stand keeping it in anymore. But after a while, people started putting things together and figured out what had really happened.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark Essay
A bond between a father and a son is sacred, and is surely one of the most firm bonds that have ever existed. When such a bond is severed, a lot of anger can be provoked, most probably in the form of revenge. Throughout â€Å"Hamlet†by Shakespeare, one can observe the theme of revenge exemplified by the main hero, Hamlet, Laertes, and the young Fortinbras, plotting their revenge against the murderers of their fathers. Hamlet is the first of the three to plan his revenge. While in mourning of the recent, mysterious death of his father, the king, he is contacted by a spirit, which bears resemblance to his father. When the ghost tells Hamlet that the new king, Claudius, is responsible for his father’s murder, Hamlet proclaims that he will exist to avenge the death of his father. He will carry out the ghost’s request: â€Å"Thy commandment all alone shall live/ Within the book and volume of my brain†(I.V.102-103). Though Hamlet has promised revenge, his actions are delayed. Hamlet decides that his revenge must wait for a while. He has realized that the ghost he has contacted might simply have been an evil spirit leading him to damnation. Instead of completely believing the ghost, he decides to set up Claudius in order to catch his conscience: â€Å"The spirit I have seen/ Maybe a devil/†¦Abuses me to damn me. I’ll have grounds/ More relative than this. The play’s the thing/ Wherein I’ll catch the conscience of the king†(II.II.594-601). Hamlet’s plot for obtaining solid evidence for convicting the king is to have a play. The basis of the play will be a simple reenactment of the murder of Old Hamlet. Both Hamlet and his trusted advisor, Horatio, will watch Claudius for his reaction. This will give him sufficient reason to kill Claudius. Hamlet’s plan for the play shows his fear of being tempted by the devil into damnation. This shows his religious beliefs yet again. The first example of his faith are in Act I when he is reluctant to commit suicide for fear of the resulting after life: â€Å"O that this too too sullied flesh would melt/. . .Or that the Everlasting had not fix’d/ His canon ‘gainst self-slaughter†(I.II.129-132). These religious beliefs of Hamlet will prove to play a big part in his revenge scheme, and will stall it. The next part of Hamlet’s plot for revenge involves his general temperament. He decides to act as if mad in order to speak and act freely. Any abnormal behavior can be passed off as his temporary insanity. This way he can say and do things to get certain reactions or information from people in order to help him plot his revenge. He does ask however, that his acquaintances do not say anything about his crazy state being false: â€Å"How strange or odd some’er I bear myself/As I perchance hereafter shall think meet/To put an antic disposition/That you, at such time seeing me, never shall/Or by pronouncing of some doubtful phrase†(I.V.179-183). This allows him to further his revenge. Later in the play in Act 3, Hamlet has an unpleasant encounter with his former love, Ophelia. During this heated discussion Hamlet learns that she now has sour feelings toward him and gives him back his gifts. He snaps and unleashes all the built up anger and emotion and bitterness that he has been recently feeling. But he also says something that is intended for Claudius to hear. It is a threat that will play into his ply for revenge. Hamlet proclaims that of â€Å"those that are married already-all but one-shall live†(III.I.150). This overt threat directed toward Claudius is indeed overheard and begins to worry Claudius as planned. Claudius decides to take action to protect himself. He no longer believes that Hamlet is mad with love: â€Å"Love? His affections do not that way tend/Nor what he spake, though it lack’d form a little/†¦There’s something in his soul/O’er which his melancholy sits on brood/And I do doubt the hatch and the disclose/Will be some danger; which for ! to prevent/†¦he shall with speed to England†(III.I.164-171). Claudius now suspects that Hamlet is suspicious of him, which Hamlet believes will cause him to do something to prove his guilt, thus allowing Hamlet to carry out his revenge. Hamlet then takes his next step in revenge by having the play acted out. Hamlet and Horatio will both watch Claudius throughout the play. Hamlet realizes that there is no hell for him to go to, but to just turn into dust upon his death. This is another step in the progression of Hamlet’s revenge. The final step of motivation in Hamlet’s revenge comes during the fencing match between Hamlet and Laertes. The queen drinks from the king’s cup that has been poisoned to kill Hamlet. She falls and proclaims she has been poisoned: â€Å"O my dear Hamlet/The drink, the drink! I am poison’d†(V.II.315-316). Laertes then tells Hamlet everything including how he has poisoned Hamlet: â€Å"Hamlet, thou art slain/No medicine in the world can do thee good; In thee there is not half an hour’s life/The treacherous instrument is in thy hand/Unbated and envenom’d/. . .Thy mother poison’d/I can no more. The King-the King’s to blame†(V.II.319-226). Hamlet has finally been motivated enough to act. The king has poisoned his mother and father, and tried to kill Hamlet also. Hamlet then avenges his father’s death by wounding the king with the poisoned sword: â€Å"The point envenom’d too! Then, venom, to thy work/ Wounds the King†(V.II.127). Hamlet has achieved the revenge that he has planned for the entire play. But he must now avenge his mother’s death so he forces the king to drink from the poisoned cup: â€Å"Here, thou incestuous, murd’rous, damned Dane/Drink off this potion. Is thy union here?/Follow my mother†(V.II.330-333). By poisoning the king twice, Hamlet has punished Claudius for both the murders of his mother and his father. Hamlet finally got his revenge but died in the process. The center ideas of the play are the revenges of Hamlet, Laertes and Fortinbras. All had obtained the revenge that they had wanted. All had avenged their father’s deaths. But all did it in entirely different ways. Hamlet took a while to complete the revenge, he is a man of contemplated inaction. Laertes took a different approach to revenge and accomplished it in a rather short amount of time. Laertes is a man of uncontemplated action. Fortinbras, different from the others, waited for the right moment to act. He carefully planned what he would do over a long period of time and then waited to act. Fortinbras is a man of contemplated action. All three accomplished their revenges-Hamlet killed Claudius, his fathers murderer; Laertes killed Hamlet, his fathers murderer; and Fortinbras did not have to kill Hamlet the son of his father’s murderer, but he did take over the th! rone. All people bent on revenge in Hamlet, accomplished it, making the play a revenge play.
My thoughts and reflections Essay
Sustainability I hadn’t considered the inter-plays that exist between the social, environmental and economic aspects of sustainability, I subscribe to the three pillars of sustainability (figure 1), that is each has an impact but they are independent of each other. Figure 1: Three pillars of sustainability Source: Wallis, A. M., Graymore, M. L. M., & Richards, A. J. (2011) p.596. Class discussions and research enabled me to see the interactions between these pillars and I started to contemplate sustainability more as an interactive process aligned with the three spheres of sustainability (figure 2) which I interpret as being of equal importance and that is you connect them all you will achieve sustainability. Figure 2: Three spheres of sustainability Source: Wallis, A. M., Graymore, M. L. M., & Richards, A. J. (2011) p.596. My ecological footprint gave me personal insights into my impact on the environment. I reflected on what I could do to reduce my footprint; an all-electric house, job with extensive car travel and I am a meat eater. What future was I leaving my children and what could I change? I could reduce my consumption of red meat, saving a planet, however the economic and social impact on our farmers for me outweighs the impact on the planet after all that is their livelihood. I can reduce my energy usage by turning appliances off at home and work and I can use technology for meetings to reduce my travel imprint. I watched a number of documentaries on natural disasters and asked myself why we have done nothing to prevent these and what have we learnt. I reflected on the impact of the recent drought throughout Victoria. Ballarat almost ran out of potable water, our lake ran dry and tourism was in decline. This environmental event was impacting on our economy and the social impact was and is still being felt today. Human behavior changed, current water demand remains at levels of the 1930’s therefore I’ve concluded that humans need a crisis in order to change behaviour for the good of the environment. But have we really learnt from this, the drought of the 1930’s suggest not, evidence was there that we over used the land having a significant impact socially, economically and environmentally but yet natural disasters droughts still occur due to inadequate consideration of all aspects of sustainability. Worldviews and values A light bulb moment – I hadn’t considered sustainability worldviews. Was I more inclined to lean towards the atomistic (individual-centred) view or the holistic (earth-centred) view? On reflection I think for me it is both, unless you hold strong beliefs one way or the other I believe we hover in between; we all interpret data differently based on our starting assumptions and values and are less likely to change our worldview. In particular I reflected on Indigenous Australians who hold to a traditional value, the land is sacred to them; by holding this view they have a positive impact on the environment; they only take what they need, they give back and believe in the spirit of the land. They didn’t need politicians to develop policies and legislation to make them reduce their carbon emissions or to look after the land. I am faced with the dilemma of how we as a nation can make a difference; it appears that I have more questions than I have answers. Sustainability phases Most organisations are slow adapters to change and usually do so as a result of compliance activities being enforced upon them due to new or reformed legislation, a good example of this is OH&S legislation in Australia. Are we doing enough through education to ensure the next generation of leaders will consider sustainability more than a buzz word? We have created a throwaway society, landfill is becoming scarce and yet our propensity to have the latest gadget is not decreasing, locally, nationally and internationally we need to look at ways in which we can recycle or reuse the materials on a large scale that has a positive impact on the planet. Another light bulb moment came when we researched companies that we believe are sustainable and consider what phase of sustainability they are in. We looked at Acciona Energy and concluded that they are in sustaining corporation phase as they are paving the way in sustainability. Not all would agree as there are people in Ballarat who are opposed to wind farms and their worldviews are strong in the belief the turbines are more harmful to your health and nothing will persuade them otherwise. This re-emphasises that our assumptions and values in many ways holds much stronger than any evidence that may be presented to us that may refute our views. My journey I have discussed and debated the values I hold and how by changing one small thing we can make a difference to our ecological footprint. If everyone made one small change in their lifestyle it may grow into something that will impact positively on the planet; e.g. Earth hour which started as a national event and is now a global phenomenon. I’ve planted a vegetable garden, my meat consumption has decreased and I actively shop for locally produced vegetables and fruit. I have moved my thinking to that of the ‘bullseye’ model (figure 3) which â€Å"shows that the human system, which is broken up into social and economic systems, must stay within the capacity of the social system to be sustainable.†(Wallis, A. M., Graymore, M. L. M., & Richards, A. J. 2011. p.597) Figure 3: Bullseye model Source: Wallis, A. M., Graymore, M. L. M., & Richards, A. J. (2011) p.598. I have contemplated how we move sustainability from a buzz word without introducing legislation which may not change people’s worldview. I work in the not-for-profit sector we are at the compliance phase of sustainability, we can move to the efficiency phase by building the capacity of our community leaders; raising their awareness of sustainability, allowing them to experience the impact of their decisions and making a change that positively impacts the environment. I have seen sustainable behavioural change occur; such as water demand, if the reason for change is compelling but we have to recognise that change is a journey and for each of us we have to subscribe to the view that we want to change. Bibliography Wallis, A. M., Graymore, M. L. M., & Richards, A. J. (2011) Significance of environment in the assessment of sustainable development: The case for south west victoria. Ecological Economics, 70(4), 595-605.
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